Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [prep] [pron] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Since those who were politically important did not expect the occupant to remain there for long , they brusquely declined to listen to his requests for refurbishment .
2 This morning , having forced herself to her study , still wearing her dressing-gown and clutching a second cup of coffee as if it were attached to a lifeline , she began searching among her papers for the output of the previous day .
3 She washed quickly , the water barely lukewarm , but the tepid water helped clear her muzzy head , and she began running through her plans for the day — if she kept herself busy she could avoid the drink .
4 Perhaps a more sensitive test would be to examine the writings of puritans who did take an interest in science in seventeenth-century England to see what connections they did make in their schemes for reform .
5 They would be free from slavery , from work they were unsuited to do , but they lost a way of life , they had to look after their children for longer , they had to find other work to keep the family fed , clothed , rent paid etc .
6 Once the President had retired to his quarters for the short flight , the DDI opened the envelope he 'd been handed when he arrived at the airport .
7 Silvia had stuck to her promises for the first couple of days , but then had followed a catalogue of excuses and cancelled lessons that had left Ronni feeling angry and on edge .
8 The rage that had eaten at his guts for so long , and had launched him at Sergeant Lawrence — who even Jimmy knew was a good man at heart — would not serve him now .
9 All over the world , as I had observed on my travels for Panorama and TRI , countries which had long been administered by others were hoisting their own colours ; everywhere the idea of new-born nationhood was in the air .
10 I would like to have been watching the expression on his face , having put the question to him so bluntly , but just at that moment I had to slam on my brakes for two gaudily painted trucks , one of them with La Resurrección elaborately painted in red .
11 The banker who is leaving the casket to the State for display at Versailles by means of a dation , the payment of death duties in kind , refused to comment about his intentions for the van Gogh which Paris 's nineteenth-century Orsay Museum is keen on acquiring .
12 Nails stood looking at his feet for some time , as there was not much else to do .
13 Fathers too may respond in a positive way , but I definitely felt that fathers tended to have a more extreme reaction of anger of hurt , or said they were ashamed of their daughter , and felt let down , and some refused to speak to their daughters for days or weeks .
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