Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [prep] [art] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He asked to go to the most demanding area and ended up in Smallhealth and Sparkbrook with a case load of up to 60 children .
2 She finally agreed to go to the most expensive Chinese restaurant in town with him .
3 In the Commons , Opposition leader John Smith provoked Tory shouts of fury when he asked : ‘ Is n't it inappropriate for the inquiry to be set up and asked to report to the very regional health authority whose own actions may be the subject of the inquiry ?
4 I literally stopped seeing for a very long time .
5 That incident probably made John 's triumph all the sweeter a few months later , when he gleefully described flirting with a particularly desirable man , one of the supposed ringleaders of the earlier occasion .
6 The classic example of this is the Victorian Poor Law which tried to deal with the very obvious social problems of poverty .
7 The Labour Party was well aware of the limited challenge of British fascism and could discriminate between the threat it posed compared with the more serious threat of European fascism .
8 Regular Hunger Marches from the Distressed Areas to London , of which the most famous was the Jarrow March of 1936 , helped to emphasize to the more prosperous areas that unemployment had not been abolished but had merely receded .
9 The door to the platform opened and Fru Blicher entered followed by a much younger , unusually beautiful young woman and a man at least fifteen years her senior carrying a sheaf of music .
10 Even those men , such as Bert Cooke and John Douglas , who were later critical of ministers becoming professional politicians , found themselves acting in the political arena as they tried to explain to an increasingly interested audience why their spiritual leader was being sent to prison .
11 She made several ‘ women 's ’ films for Rank , including STREET CORNER ( 1953 ) about the women police in Chelsea , which she always cited as a particularly enjoyable experience since it involved working with a mainly female crew and cast .
12 Dane muttered something , and she froze , but after a moment he rolled over , and the sounds of his breathing told her he 'd fallen into a still deeper sleep .
13 Though a fictional character , Cu Chulainn came to stand for a very real sense of patriotic courage and self-sacrifice .
14 It was here they learnt to communicate on a more civilised basis than they were used to ,
15 The light seemed to fade from the brightly shimmering early evening as she heard him , and her heart felt as if an iron band was tightening mercilessly about it .
16 Sancho meanwhile had himself crowned king of Leon , and thus came to rule over the most extensive kingdom in the whole of Christian Spain .
17 James Hadley , writing his will in 1532 , remembered the church as one of Somerset 's ‘ holy places ’ , and by the late eighteenth century it had become the frequent destination of topographical writers who came searching for the romantically sublime .
18 The stuff about which they were all so concerned seemed to vanish into the most inaccessible shadows of the house .
19 He should have been booted out of the Olympics and told to race at a more apt venue .
20 But as he prepared to switch from the more austere environs of the Treasury , where he saw out the final 16 months of the last Tory Government , Mr Mellor spoke of the importance he and the Prime Minister attached to encouraging artistic excellence and preserving the national heritage .
21 One of the most fascinating aspects of the Pathfinders was its attraction for characters , and the very nature of the Force seemed to beckon to the most unusual types .
22 In part , the sense of Britishness seemed to rest on an often sentimental obeisance to the past , as shown in the flourishing ‘ heritage ’ industry of the eighties extending from Chaucer to Churchill , to the delight of tourists and the scorn of social critics .
23 Both highly desirable , the one on the left especially ; both looked as if they would n't get on their backs for anything less than Edouard de Chavigny himself ; both had the kind of accent that made his toes curl , and made him wish he 'd opted for the more costly tailor .
24 She 'd progressed from a rather lowly start to her present place on the team with IMP just at the time when the true importance of the fuel companies and their technicians was beginning to be appreciated by the general public , or at least those aficionados who followed the world of Grand Prix racing .
25 It had been styled rather well , as though she 'd gone to a really good hairdresser and it suited her , was soft over her forehead and short at the back .
26 They 'd struck on the very first day .
27 But it was no good , little bits fell out , and I 'd started in the most obvious place , where he 's bound to spot it .
28 Of the programmes I 've watched-not all of them , let me confess-only the third , on the dhow in the Gulf seemed to enter into a wholly unknown , and dangerous environment , a way of life I could never have imagined .
29 Fortunately she 'd learnt at a very early age never to be taken in by good looks alone .
30 Apparently he got to hear about a particularly tricky deal prepared by three Japanese whaling companies to come with quota proposals , and he knew that one of the companies was taking a very different view from the other two , and he hoped that there could be a divide-and-rule situation set up .
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