Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun] [verb] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 Ten per cent of out-of-work executives counselled by one firm received job offers in the first four weeks of last year , but for the corresponding period this year the figure rose to 16 per cent .
2 The medical profession ignored family planning in the first half of the century , only speaking to condemn it .
3 On Sunday she heard Nahum preach for the first time , and she met the assistant curate , a young , delicate-looking man by the name of Daniel Marsh .
4 To support these managers he established a marketing department , improved the financial system and introduced business planning for the first time to AEA .
5 She remembered Elizabeth saying in the first weeks of her engagement to Alex , ‘ Do you know , you 're a rather intimidating couple ? ’ and she had been tempted to reply , ‘ Oh , we are , we are . ’
6 Ripley 's failure was part of a team malfunction that left Blackburn beaten for the first time away from home in the League .
7 But all the patients studied had asthma written in the first part of the death certificate and had been entered into the local statistics as asthma deaths .
8 Taking a clearance from Nilsson , Sheridan found Palmer , whose centre left Williams to snap in the first goal from close range .
9 A second round of polling on April 8 would determine the final distribution of seats , and in the event only five constituencies had results settled on the first round .
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