Example sentences of "[coord] took [pron] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I left my office chair to pine for my speedy return and took myself over to the window .
2 I told my boyfriend who was horrorstruck and took myself off to a lesbian students ' conference .
3 Fallon still had a bit of work to do , even then , but he had already bumped off Perrins and Hannaford with one uncompromising run and this time his strength buried the rest of the Gloucester defence and took him over for a try in the corner .
4 Mr Jarvis grinned and , as she picked up the squirrel and took him over to the recovery cage , he followed and stood watching as she settled her patient down .
5 Haverford got up early , sat in the garden jotting away until , as often as not , Don Marco arrived in a small rattling car and took him off on an unknown errand .
6 The police considered this and took him down to the station — for tea and sticky buns .
7 ‘ Do you disapprove of us , my angel ? ’ she asked , exalted by wine and overbearing , and took him down to the kitchen to give him some of the leftover chicken .
8 I got hold of him by the scruff of the neck and took him along to the police box and rang up for the wagon .
9 I remember one time er these barges , old barges when you used to come up there , they ai n't got any engine in 'em at all because now they got motors in 'em , but erm , at that time , I was asleep one night and er these barges had been up , they 'd been down the the engine room , cos the engine room and the stoke hall was all in one and th and then I was so sound asleep they 'd filled the sacks up with coal and took them up over the and took the only thing they did do they did n't take the shovel they 'd used , cos they bought their shovel from off the barge and they left that downhill that 's how they 'd pinched the coal .
10 Juliet made a hot drink for them both , and took them through to the sitting-room .
11 Instead of wasting time hawking his book around the publishing houses , he simply printed up the first three chapters , complete with his own photos and illustrations , and took them out on the streets .
12 Halfway through his talk , the meeting was suddenly interrupted by a cadre of men dressed as prison guards ; these rather realistic toughs burst into the room , grabbed everybody there , and took them out to a set of waiting helicopters , which flew the bewildered executives off to a second meeting site .
13 She wrapped them up in a parcel and took them out to the dustbin .
14 JoJo stood up and took them out to the kitchen .
15 Needing an outlet for her gathering frustration , she collected the bulbs she had bought in Norwich earlier in the week and took them out into the little garden .
16 Gaily selected the tools and took them off down the path to the back-gate .
17 He paid for the drinks and took them back to the others .
18 I could not find a piece big enough , so I bought two smaller pieces and took them back to the dacha .
19 I filled up cardboard boxes with its contents and took them down to the local charity shop .
20 And I 'll say this now , they was in business there , nextdoor , and I knew them like that , they says any machinery come here and use it , and they 'd got shears and all that sort of thing , and with their help , you know , I had these four locks and did them and took them down in no time to m to er , to and they was flabbergasted because of the quickness of them , you know , and they says er we can always find you sommat to work if er this is the case .
21 Her mummy , drawn by the noise , ran out of the tent , and seeing what had happened put her arms round her to comfort her and took her back into the tent .
22 As soon as I saw this , I dialled 999 and took her out to the studio in the stables where I live .
23 Finally a soldier arrived and took me back to the Star Room .
24 She caught up with me and took me along to a paddock to see her horse .
25 Having assured himself that he was all alone , he climbed from his bed , entered his dressing-gown and took himself down to the kitchen for the first breakfast of the day .
26 Made a vain attempt to tidy up the room , which was already looking like a heavy-metal combat zone , and took himself off for a shower .
27 She entered the kitchen and took herself over to the knife rack above the Aga .
28 Though when , having ousted him , thoughts of him crept back in again , she grew impatient with herself , and took herself off for a walk around town .
29 Feeling hungry , Ellie made herself some toast in the kitchen , collected some brochures from the hall table , and took herself out for the day .
30 When he returned to the cottage he extinguished all but one of the candles and took it through to the bedroom .
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