Example sentences of "[coord] does not [vb infin] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have no idea what matters or does not matter at this stage . ’
2 ( c ) You may find that Halliday 's model of thematic analysis does not apply to your language at all or does not apply to some of its sentence patterns .
3 ‘ I really do n't much care , ’ she snapped , ‘ about what appeals or does not appeal to that obnoxious mire you call a mind .
4 This case was notified to the Black Advisory Group during the course of its investigation and does not appear in any of the analyses in its report .
5 The resonance Raman effect is observable with a normal Raman spectrometer , and does not depend on any special properties of laser excitation .
6 Castle Drachenfels is designed to stand alone , and does not depend upon any other WFRP adventure or campaign .
7 Mass owner-occupation is relatively new and does not exist in many other countries .
8 This trick has been used since the last few years of the Vietnam war , and does not rely on any particularly outlandish circuitry .
9 British primary legislation , on the other hand , seldom contains anything more than a long title by way of a preamble , and does not refer to any preparatory works .
10 As far as it goes , the order has the support of the industry , although that support is not unreserved , does not come from all quarters and does not relate to all aspects of the provisions .
11 Its declination is 46 degrees north , so that it is circumpolar from Britain ; it can be seen from most inhabited countries , though it is always very low from New Zealand and does not rise at all from the latitude of Invercargill .
12 No secrets and no money , that we do not know about and does not belong to all of us . ’
13 This remarkable condottiere — the word is pure Italian and does not translate at all well ; it describes a mercenary , but perhaps ‘ soldier of fortune ’ is more polite and catches the flavour better — not only managed to hold on to his head , but to great booty as well .
14 It should be noted , however , that the " preamble " to s739 contained in s739(1) is not repeated in s740 and does not apply to that section .
15 The difference is one of nuance , and does not lie in any specific contextual effect .
16 He is supporting a scheme that is essentially a monopoly and does not allow for any genuine competitive challenge which , as we have all been informed , is the only real moderating influence on the free market provision .
17 Each local community has its own individual character and does not conform in all its particulars to a general type .
18 111 and does not conflict with any of the other authorities to which their Lordships were referred .
19 This means allowing participants to discuss particular issues between themselves while the researcher listens in but does not contribute at all : they almost interview themselves while the interviewer eavesdrops .
20 Another problem is where a function word in the target language has the same meaning as in your own language , but does not occur in all the same contexts as it does in your own language .
21 For Jesus is God 's final word to men ; and the Spirit illuminates and interprets but does not add to that word .
22 In the early stages if no other remedy is clearly indicated or if Aconite seems to be indicated but does not help at all .
23 She is frightened of some noises — like the vacuum cleaner — but does n't bother at all when I use the lawnmower or hedge-cutter .
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