Example sentences of "[noun prp] can [be] [vb pp] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If you do pick a clear day , tops from Scafell to Pendle Hill can be picked out and , beyond the glint of Morecambe Bay , Snaefell on the Isle of Man is sometimes visible more than 80 miles away .
2 Most of the disputes within the DUP can be understood better if they are seen as ‘ personality ’ clashes rather than if one attempts to find major ideological rifts .
3 1982 No. 1676 ) ) regulating the practice on appeal to the Judicial Committee , an appeal from the Court of Appeal of New Zealand can be entertained only if leave to appeal has been granted by that court or if special leave has been granted by Her Majesty in Council .
4 But with England 's great goalkeeper still betraying no signs of his 40 years , except a finely honed judgement that causes the target to shrink before advancing strikers , hopes are high that Poland can be shut out and the points secured that will see England safely through to Italy .
5 It is not simply a question of distance : hundreds of miles in America can be crossed faster than 30 in crowded Japan .
6 Colic can be described simply as abdominal pain caused by malfunction of the intestinal tract , but sometimes the horse does n't get better .
7 LIFESPAN PMR can be run interactively or via a steering file while LIFESPAN is available for interactive use .
8 LIFESPAN PMR can be executed interactively or via a steering file , but can only be run while LIFESPAN is available for interactive use .
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