Example sentences of "[noun prp] had been [verb] by a " in BNC.

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1 Mr Beaton had been dumped by a road-side and picked up by police who had been alerted to the hijack and had eventually stopped MacIver in the lorry at Doune .
2 For example , there was the Australian edition of the racy Sunday Sport which claimed that Kylie had been mauled by a killer shark while skin diving on the Great Barrier Reef .
3 Since early 1919 , agitation against Britain 's support for the various anti-Soviet armies in Russia had been co-ordinated by a Hands Off Russia Committee run by the far left , but supported by UDC intellectuals , Quakers and many Liberals .
4 When he looked back he saw that Burun had been joined by a crowd of aides and counsellors .
5 The position of Agnos had been undermined by a large budget deficit ( much of it inherited ) , the effects of the country 's economic recession and the legacy of the 1989 earthquake [ see pp. 36970-71 ] .
6 When Amelia Putt entered the room into which Constable Aplin and Detective Eddy had been shown by a manor servant , she looked pale and upset and her expression was strained .
7 Mr Patten had been shaken by a ( to him ) unexpected decision by the courts not to declare the teachers ' action illegal , and by an NOP opinion poll showing that parents back the boycott .
8 The smile of recognition and welcome for Duncan had been followed by a fit of coughing .
9 Miss Malabedeely had been kneeling by a chair , praying , and Kate had thought immediately that she 'd been asking God to stop Miss Shaw and Miss Rist being so unpleasant to her .
10 He shows the Captain where Garvey had been stung by a Varga thorn , a venomous biological creation found on only one planet in the skies …
11 There might have been considerable constitutional difficulties if it had turned out that , for the last 10 years , Britain had been ruled by a Martian , or a robot , or a vampire .
12 In Bucharest Dalby had been told by a totally reliable source that Ion Manescu , brutal Securitate chief , was alive .
13 ‘ I could not understand why , if Allingham had been taken by a seizure , he had not tried to open the door , turn the key and call for help .
14 Like Darwin , Wallace had been led by a study of biogeography to see how new species might be produced when existing ones migrated into areas with different environments .
15 Forbes assumed that much of northern Europe had been submerged by a shallow ocean during a period in which the climate was significantly colder than the present ( Lyell 's alternative to the ice age theory ) .
16 She paced up and down the tiny room while I sat on her bed , and she explained to me that McIllvanney had been approached by a client who had apparently seen Ellen and authorised McIllvanney to offer her the money .
17 Guy of Lusignan had been beaten by a greater man .
18 Andy Douglas , however , ensured the Melrose revival was delayed by crossing on the right after his colleague Liddle had been thwarted by a well-executed Ross Brown tackle .
19 On June 23 Air Marshal Anant Kalinta had been replaced by a civil servant as chairman of the state-owned Communications Authority of Thailand .
20 By 1341 the Forest of Dean had been diminished by a quarter , and the warden 's farm was reduced from £160 to £120 .
21 By June 1318 the forest of Selwood in Wiltshire had been so much reduced in size that the warden 's farm of £10 a year could no longer be paid , and the Forest of Dean had been reduced by a quarter before the end of the reign .
22 Pointon had been caught by a late Giggs tackle just before , and the referee decided that a strong word with the young Welshman , who had given United the lead with a goal worthy of crowning champions , was sufficient .
23 Mrs Burrows had been paralysed by a stroke .
24 The official peace negotiations in Rome had been blocked by a succession of differences over a wide range of political and constitutional issues .
25 Smoke bombs erupted everywhere so did manager Best who raced to the touchline to protest that defender Stephen Brown had been felled by a punch after the goal .
26 Maguire had been acquitted by a Dublin court in February 1990 and Harte had been extradited from the Irish Republic to Northern Ireland in 1988 .
27 John 's long struggle against Innocent 's interference in the appointment of Stephen Langton as archbishop of Canterbury had been superseded by a struggle against the baronage — his own vassals .
28 Bedpans had gone from earthenware to papier-mâché , bottles had progressed from glass to plastic , but there was the same kindly welcome , much the same decor except that the photo of George VI had been replaced by a poster on the etiquette of urinating .
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