Example sentences of "[noun prp] had [vb pp] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The silver-framed photograph of Philippe Chaumont had appeared for the first time since he had known Chantal .
2 Turakina had known from the first how he would react , but she had pretended resistance for a day and a night before giving her consent .
3 The day before his election Kim had presided over the 18th plenary session of the sixth Korean Workers ' Party central committee which approved the appointment of Choe Kwang and Han Song Yong to the politburo .
4 Although January had ended with the first significant ground fighting of the war — the Iraqi offensive against Khafji — the Iraqi forces made no further offensive moves , and the allies continued with the air assault which they had begun on Jan. 17 .
5 Instead of flying straight to the United States , the Shah had decided at the last minute to accept an invitation from Anwar Sadat of Egypt to pause briefly in Aswan .
6 The dangerous logic of events was leading to a predictable conclusion , though Sarah and Coleridge had met for the first time only nine days before and were of fundamentally different temperaments , she sharp-tongued , humorous and practical , he procrastinating and visionary .
7 The proposals fell far short of arrangements for Palestinian " full autonomy " which Israel had endorsed in the first of the two Camp David agreements signed with Egypt in September 1978 [ see pp. 29654-69 ] .
8 Geoffrey had stopped outside the fourth ground-floor window from the garden door — Loretta was relieved to observe a lack of lights in the rooms adjoining it — and was already slipping his ruler into the gap between the two parts of the sash window .
9 Another UNICEF report , Child Poverty and Deprivation in the United Kingdom , showed that the number of children living in poverty in the UK had doubled in the last decade .
10 As the sky slowly brightened and they waited , Fleury thought of how he and Harry had waited for the first attack of all at the beginning of June .
11 In that case , it was logical to assume that Guy Sterne had decided at the last minute to avail himself of his unexpectedly empty villa for an impromptu break in the sun .
12 Before he had time to do so , Caballeros and Bugner had arrived from the 16th green .
13 One of the major preoccupations of Soviet Russian ethnic historians , obliged to work within the framework of Marxist-Leninist dogma , is to define the level of social-political evolution which the peoples of Siberia had reached by the sixteenth century in terms of Marx 's five universal stages .
14 The key document circulated at the time was Raoul Vaneigen 's Totality For Kids which was hailed by its supporters as doing for the twentieth century what Marx had done for the nineteenth .
15 But Genesis delivered the coup de grace , for it was stated that God had rested on the seventh day , not that he had immediate y started work on other worlds .
16 Michael Sibele had known for the last two days why the gang of workmen was busy outside the main gates : repairing a burst mains pipe .
17 Mr Adams pointed out that the profits of Ford of Britain had risen for the third year running to a record £673m and he calculated a further increase to £710m was likely this year .
18 She was to be the Honourable Lady Penelope , a British aristocrat who was seeking the protection of an influential Wehrmacht officer after Britain had fallen to the Third Reich .
19 The supply of domestic staff in Britain had dwindled after the First World War , when former servants found better paid employment for fewer hours ' work in offices and factories .
20 three down Oxford 's confidence and nerves were shot to pieces … and goodness knows what was said in the dressing room at half-time after Mr. Mooney had banged in the fourth goal …
21 She could work with Cavell , Maria had decided by the next afternoon .
22 In view of what Marc had said about the next few days , Sarella was surprised when he sought her out before dinner .
23 Pte Macaulay had served with the 3rd Battalion Parachute Regiment for 15 months , and had just completed six months of his tour of duty in Northern Ireland at the time of his death .
24 Private Macaulay had served with the 3rd Battalion Parachute Regiment for 15 months and had completed six months of his tour of duty at the time of his death .
25 It was Christmas Eve and Agnes had wondered over the last few days if she had heard aright on the night she had gone to the closet , because the next morning her father had come blithely into the kitchen and said , ‘ Your mother is having a lie-in this morning ; take her a cup of tea along and a bit of toast .
26 But suppose Lorton had intended from the first to rob Newley , to murder him , and to present the police with a strong case against someone else ?
27 Above him , Jimmy had stopped on the first landing and was looking back .
28 When Gloria had got over the first shock of Saul 's horrifying death , she put the warehouse up for sale , together with the contents of the ship-chandlers shop on the ground floor , confident that she would soon find a purchaser .
29 In early September Collor had summoned for the first time the Council of the Republic , whose remit was to advise the President on action to be taken in a time of deep crisis or emergency , including the declaration of a state of siege if necessary .
30 It turned out that Anderson had lived in the last apartment that we 'd been in , moving out the day after we arrived .
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