Example sentences of "[noun prp] which [vb past] the [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 From a book , The Modern Short Story , by H. E. Bates , I remember a criticism of Hardy which made the blood rush to my head with anger :
2 The Council was in the 1970s recruiting a large number of relatively young staff , who saw the job , in the words of one of them , as ‘ a creative experience ’ , engaging in curriculum development , relating to senior academics on the Council 's committees and working with peers in the polytechnics and colleges , generating ideas , disseminating good practice , advising on the planning and monitoring of courses , and in general developing an identity for the CNAA which combined the validation role with access to professional networks , research and advice on evaluation and other processes contingent on the validation relationship .
3 As Professor S.F. Bush said in The Times ( 7 October 1991 ) , it was the commercial banks not the Bank of England which generated the credit explosion in 1987–89 : ‘ A central bank , whether independent or not , is an almost total irrelevance as far as inflation is concerned in a world dominated by thousands of different monetary agencies switching assets and liabilities across the world at the touch of a button . ’
4 Another problem arose in 1916 , which can not easily be explained without reference to the proposed ‘ Home Rule ’ in Ireland that had developed under the government of Asquith which introduced the Home Rule Act 1914 .
5 Most of the conventions are open to non-Member States , and countries in all parts of the world are signatories of one or more conventions ; a notable addition was New Zealand which signed the Child Abduction convention in 1991 .
6 Meciar 's government had rejected an economic programme drawn up by Deputy Premier Jozef Kucerak which followed the reform strategy of the federal government , creating fears among Meciar 's critics that Slovakia 's economy would lag behind that of the Czech Lands .
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