Example sentences of "[noun prp] on the [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The letter also proposed the completion of the demarcation of the disputed border , navigation rights for Ecuador on the Peruvian Amazon and its tributaries , a joint integration zone along the whole border and " confidence-building " measures including a meeting of military commanders in January .
2 However , the difference between the systems of property rights in countries such as Britain , America , Germany , Hong Kong and Indonesia on the one hand and Russia , East Germany , Vietnam and China , is still sufficiently great to enable us to label the former capitalist and the latter socialist .
3 The clash in underlying values between Britain and the United States on the one hand and the former Soviet Union on the other , is illustrated by the fact that an act of financial speculation — which has not only led to the accumulation of great wealth but has also occasionally received public honour in Britain and the United States — might have earned the perpetrator the death sentence in the Soviet Union .
4 He jumped a freight train at Wissembourg on the Franco-German border and found six beer kegs in the car , but when he broke one of them open he was showered in fine powder .
5 I got Toby on the second ring and explained Sally 's suggestion .
6 Beyond the joining of the rivers , now called the Tisza , the route turns north towards Russian and eventually becomes the frontier between Hungary on the left bank and the Soviets on the right .
7 There followed a debate over economic policy in which the principal protagonists — though many others joined in — were Keynes on the one hand and the Treasury on the other .
8 At a respectful distance behind the Chamberlins on the one side and the Burrows on the other , the village people packed the pews , shiny with scrubbing and breathless with the tightness of best clothes .
9 A big push for land is under way along the River Drina on the Bosnian border as Serbian warlords , backed by local federal army commanders , try to establish safe corridors between their strongholds and grab areas of land for the self-styled Serbian republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina .
10 ‘ I was in the lead at Carrowdore Village on the last lap and I thought that Joey could n't possibly catch me .
11 Erm there 's war between er you get the Crimean war between Russia on the one hand and Great Britain and France on the other .
12 There is Colonel Alksnis on the hard-line side and Otto Latsis of Kommunist and Izvestia on the reforming side .
13 Like South Belfast , the motions simply urge the Government ‘ to govern Northern Ireland on the same basis as the rest of the United Kingdom ’ .
14 JOHN Major is facing a powerful Tory grassroots demand to govern Northern Ireland on the same terms as the rest of the United Kingdom .
15 But North 's fortune was really made with the war of the Pacific ( 1879–83 ) between Chile on the one hand and Peru and Bolivia on the other .
16 President , I would take this opportunity on behalf of the region to condra sorry , congratulate Nigel on the excellent work that he has done since becoming the National Health and Safety Officer .
17 Zaidie and Matadial were the most important Crown witnesses to the facts , or alleged facts , which preceded and followed the shooting and the statements were one made by Zaidie to the police on 12 January 1987 , the day after the shooting , one by Matadial on the same day and an addendum by Matadial made on 9 May 1987 .
18 There is a direct comparison here , not only with neighbouring Corbridge , but also with Wroxeter on the Welsh frontier and with major towns and cities on other frontiers such as Carnuntum , where the main trade route from the south Baltic to north Italy crossed the Danube .
19 The magnetopause is closest to Jupiter on the sunward side but never lies closer to Jupiter than about twice the distance of the orbit of the outermost Galilean satellite .
20 The fact that they arranged for a petition from the inhabitants of Southwark , complaining about those who had welcomed the Palatines , to be presented to the Commons on the same day that they brought in the bill of repeal , suggests that contemporary politicians ( unlike some modern-day historians ) did believe that popular pressure could have a powerful impact on events at Westminster .
21 It what it tends to do is to encourage more traffic to come into Knaresborough on the main road as opposed to the two secondary roads .
22 I heard Duncan on the 606 show and he made the classic comment about Jimmy Armfield that ‘ the manager 's indecision is final ’ .
23 Similarly the militias of the civitates seem to have relished the opportunity to plunder neighbouring districts ; in the wake of Chilperic 's murder there was a particularly savage conflict between the men of Orléans and Blois on the one hand and the men of Châteaudun and Chartres , just to the north , on the other .
24 Some of the former private enterprise managers ( notably E. H. E. Woodward on the Central Authority and Harry Randall at the London Board ) had seen from the beginning that proper decentralisation required that the Boards relate capital expenditure to revenue-earning potential in order to retain direct control of their financial viability ; and outside commentators were sometimes surprised that the Boards ' decisions on capital expenditure to meet statutory obligations were made quite separately from the revenue estimates which determined their profitability .
25 And this is on the bus going in to Clearwater on the free trolley as they call it .
26 The Territorial 6th Battalion of The Royal Surrey Regiment originally wore a blackened Maltese Cross with the inscription : SOUTH AFRICA on the top arm and 1900–02 on the lower arm in honour of The 3rd Volunteer Battalion that contributed volunteers for the Boer War .
27 Shadreck Ndlovu , a former member of the Zimbabwean paramilitary forces , was sentenced to 42 years ' imprisonment on June 1 , 1990 , after confessing to spying for South Africa on the Zimbabwean Army and the ANC between September 1989 and May 1990 .
28 The next stage would be bilateral negotiations between Israel on the one hand and Syria , Lebanon , and the Jordanian-Palestinian delegation on the other .
29 He also announced three priorities : making cultural affairs available to a wider public ; promoting French culture abroad and breaking down the divide between privileged Paris on the one hand and France 's provinces and deprived outer city suburbs on the other .
30 Souness was then accused of trying to run Liverpool on the same lines as an Italian club .
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