Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [vb past] [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Mr Sisulu , now 77 , was six years older than Mr Mandela and became something of a mentor to him on his arrival in Johannesburg in 1941 .
2 UMWA women recently held a birthday party for Roberts and presented him with a plaque engraved with his now famous quote .
3 RENTAMINSTER , the third market company which supplies labour to the construction industry , has instituted court proceedings against Anthony Swales and dismissed him as a director of the company and its subsidary BES Construction Services .
4 I refer in that context to the observations of Lord President Cooper in MacCormick v. The Lord Advocate in 1953 , when Lord Cooper , generally regarded as one of the foremost Scottish jurists of this century , said : ’ The principle of the unlimited sovereignty of Parliament is a distinctively English principle which has no counterpart in Scottish constitutional law Considering that the Union legislation extinguished the Parliaments of Scotland and England and replaced them by a new Parliament , I have difficulty in seeing why it should have been supposed that the new Parliament of Great Britain must inherit all the peculiar characteristics of the English Parliament but none of the Scottish Parliament , as if all that happened in 1707 was that Scottish representatives were admitted to the Parliament of England .
5 The anxiety about case loads was accompanied by a concern over the provision of ‘ cover ’ together with some concern about the isolation of the development officer 's position , which did not fit into any overall management structure at Age Concern England and left them without a full-time support , supervision and management back-up service .
6 You know our king , when he visited Maubisson , often called on Abbe Gerard and used him as a confessor ? ’
7 Six members of staff restrained Sigsworth and took him into a secure room where he was injected with a drug and the police were called .
8 I went to Miami and booked myself aboard a late-night Pan American jumbo jet to Panama City , arriving shortly before dawn in the pullulating and insufferably hot shanty-capital sprawling beside that most famous of all entrances to the world 's greatest of seas .
9 Managing director Bert Daly thanked Ian and presented him with a gift to mark the occasion .
10 Dr. Jack Weir , moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland , met Roy Mason , the secretary of state for Northern Ireland , on 31st March and presented him with a memorandum drafted in judicious , forceful terms .
11 ‘ Derrick and I went to Blackpool and booked ourselves into a hotel , ’ she recalls .
12 The jury at Oxford Crown Court found the married father of two guilty after hearing that he 'd tied the woman 's hands hands behind her back in the city 's New Road and subjected her to a terrifying ordeal , during which she 'd feared for her life .
13 An immediate option for Tottenham was to have stripped the big centre-half of the captaincy at Elland Road and hit him with a hefty fine .
14 Charles greeted Joanne and helped himself to a large Scotch .
15 If Charlie had been a different man , a cultivated man or effeminate or living in a bygone age when tongues were more freely unloosed , he might now have embraced Jack and told him from a full heart how he entered wholly into his joy and would die for his happiness .
16 And , on the other side , one outcome of the Truce of Orléans was that Charles took the abbacy of Ferrières away from Odo and gave it to a member of the community whose chief recommendation ( with still more pull than his fine scholarship ) was a readiness to commit himself to Charles .
17 He encouraged them to turn back to God and accepted them with a forgiving spirit .
18 Heather Bailey said her husband told her how he 'd cut cut down a parachute in hangar 8 at RAF Hullavington and lit it with a match .
19 However , he fully redeemed himself next time out at Newbury when he gave 2st to Springholm and beat him with a bit in hand .
20 She had set her sights on Lawrence and married him within a year of John 's own ceremony .
21 That used to be a completely different tune ; I had the lyrics , but I played it on an open tuned National , then when I got the Strat and plugged it into an old Fender Vibrolux amp , it became what it became on record .
22 But Henry was not involved with my prisoner ; he sailed for France and abandoned him without a tremor .
23 He saw Wycliffe and acknowledged him with a timid gesture .
24 First he pretended two Angels found a wallet full of cash in New York and returned it to a pensioner who had been attacked .
25 He moved to Glasgow and established himself as a provision merchant , but within a few years decided that there were better prospects in the iron trade .
26 He had invoked the name of Callanish and it had sent its power into Minch and left him with a promise he must keep : to put her life before his own if ever chance or opportunity came .
27 Kuroda advocates the training of farmers in modern pest control methods , like those successfully applied by Indonesia , which in the mid-1980s banned pesticides such as those being donated to Cambodia and replaced them with a programme of integrated pest management ( IPM ) , which aims to exploit the natural weaknesses of a pest and shift the balance in favour of its predators .
28 Paul grabbed the bat which Christie was carrying hidden up his sleeve , ran behind Mr Lavender and hit him with a single blow on the back of his unprotected head , said the prosecution .
29 Rennie later got out of the car with Marita and took her to a house on London Road in Gloucester where the couple had previously lived together .
30 Her parents then moved to London and admitted her as a free scholar to the sculpture studio in the Royal College of Art , where she stayed for four years and graduated an A.R.C.A.
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