Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [pron] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After lunch , Bernice and I armed ourselves with black plastic dustbin liners and we made a concerted attack on Billy 's room .
2 Mm , well Ann and she got it for thirty two and a half !
3 The ball bounced near Scott and he trapped it with his left foot , then swivelled and hooked it to one of the young boys with his right , smiling to himself .
4 I did not usurp power but I did greatly broaden the use of executive power , in other words this is the modesty part I acted for the public welfare , I acted for the common wellbeing of all our people whenever and in whatever manner was necessary unless prevented by direct constitutional or legislative prohibition Roosevelt suggested that the president subject only to the people of the United States and he identified himself with Andrew Jackson and with Abraham Lincoln .
5 And when you wanted to buy something like a three piece suite , you went to somewhere like Bentalls and they took you into a little room , soon as you said to the man well I want to buy this on hire purchase and you went in to a little room and the man sat down and you filled in a long form .
6 My capital is Washington and I have lots of skyscrapers .
7 She warned me against noticing only the differences between life in the Indian sub-continent and in England and she warned me about being seduced by the apparent ‘ exoticness ’ of it all .
8 or it could be this week , er you know how they have the January and they have it in Haymarket
9 I shall tell you , instead , of the time Gerda and I saw you on the stage in Vienna . ’
10 A paramedic crew from Mersey Regional Ambulance was waiting on the beach for Mr Ross and they took him to Southport and Formby District and General Hospital but he died shortly afterwards .
11 You know , Pete and I encouraged him like anything in his writing .
12 This idea inspired knights from France to flock to the assistance of the struggling Christian kingdoms in northern Spain ; but there was clearly a nice distinction between the attitude of men north of the Pyrenees , who regarded the Muslim as the wicked infidel , as cattle for the slaughter , and the Christians who had lived among them in Spain and who regarded them as misguided fellow-humans .
13 I was half asleep when he showed us up to our rooms , Ward and I sharing one at the rear of the building , which , in place of beds , had a double-tier bunk in the corner .
14 He tells us that he ‘ spent months researching ’ ( citations from his letter , The Art Newspaper No. 22 , October 1992 , p.3 ) the texts which he uses in his work at the Neue Galerie at Kassel and he criticises me for ‘ forgetting ’ these texts which took him so long to research , even though they are clearly mentioned in the second , fourth and fifth paragraphs of my article which comprises only seven paragraphs .
15 So I went to see a man in Devonshire Place and he sent me down the road for a barium meal X-ray .
16 Back in Australia I have a dog called Gabby and I take her for walks — I really miss her .
17 This was certainly a strange case , but he had not known the Pitts and he saw plenty of messy deaths .
18 I met her in Cambridge and she introduced me to her new boyfriend who was a Dutchman called Erik Hazelhoff-Roelfzema , I was most impressed with this keen and very handsome young man , but I knew nothing whatsoever about him save that he was anxious to get into the Pathhnders .
19 It was entirely our responsibility and that evening to well past midnight Leon and I took her through the changes until she was satisfied that she knew the policy thoroughly .
20 ‘ The dining suite is Regency and we bought it at an auction in Bournemouth , ’ says Pauline .
21 Bernie was responsible for read-out and interpretation of FDRs in Canada and I put it to him that what we really needed was the ability to watch the accident taking place in real time , preferably by means of a DFDR providing the inputs to a flight simulator instead of the usual pilot inputs .
22 I was reading an article ( Echoes , March 3 ) by David Isaacs about an old soldier 's experience in Singapore and it reminded me of a conversation with a friend in Carlisle .
23 We moved to Somerset and I saw nothing of Matt for — I do n't know — it must 've been sixteen years I suppose .
24 Henri and I sheltered them for a while , but of course it was very risky with the Germans billeted everywhere except the smallest cottages .
25 Gabriel and I saved you from falling into your own image , if you could only see .
26 It was Jack and she brought him into the kitchen .
27 The regular vet — a friend of mine — has gone to live in Australia and he recommended me to the zoo as his replacement .
28 In this , especially , Miller and I have nothing in common .
29 I want one for Joe and I want one for
30 It was the best time John-Augustus had spent with Mary and he saw it as the reward for his charitable act .
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