Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [verb] it [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Wheel on Jeremy Beadle and get it over with . ’
2 Hearts chairman , Wallace Mercer has abandoned his proposal to buy the club 's ground at Tynecastle and lease it back to the club .
3 So Gough , who had a brilliant European Championship , has to sit on the bench with Roxburgh and sweat it out against Portugal in a match the Scots have to win .
4 She took the frog from Maud and held it up near her face .
5 Immediately , Vesna Jurkic Girardi , Director of the Archaeological Museum in Pula ( today Croatian Minister of Culture ) got the case moving by bringing charges against an unknown person who had excavated archaeological treasure in the region of Barbariga in Istria and smuggled it out of the country .
6 He took a wagonload of the spoiled crop to San Francisco and passed it off as a Peruvian delicacy .
7 A child was writing a poem in Bengali and passing it on to another boy to translate for him .
8 We flew to the coast at Clacton and followed it along to Felixstowe .
9 Atkinson said : ‘ We tried to forget about what happened at Coventry and put it out of our minds as quickly as we could .
10 We 'll bring it up at the staff meeting on Monday and take it on from there .
11 A postman on his morning delivery round found the empty bag on a footpath alongside the railway line between Arbour Lane and Stump Lane and handed it in to police .
12 A Rhodian , Menodotus , collaborated with another Rhodian to forge a bronze statue of Apollo and pass it off as a work of the early fifth century BC .
13 Once the replacement arrives , the customer puts the non-working product into the post-paid replacement box , seals it with the tape provided by Hewlett-Packard and sends it back to the company .
14 Get one from Marks and take it back after wards .
15 Ellen wondered if he had petit mal and looked it up in a medical dictionary — neither of them went to doctors if they could help it — but the entry was not very helpful , and it seemed in any case the kind of symptom it would be better to be vague about , not define , not name , for fear the naming made it worse , less likely to evaporate out of existence .
16 Outside the Brompton Oratory he hailed a cab , directed it to Marylebone and paid it off in George Street , completing his journey on foot .
17 But instead of openly endorsing Brezhnev 's initiative he called for ‘ more details of the ways to neutralise the Arabian Gulf and keep it out of international conflict ’ .
18 He collected Circaea alpina in a wood near the Hague and brought it back to England , together with Parietaria officinalis and Centaurea augustifolia .
19 He contracts HIV and passes it on to his wife , who then passes it on to their child .
20 Cut out or draw a picture of Freda and glue it on to the bookmark .
21 Just write it on a memo form Paul and send it round with a circulation slip , and those who feel they want to get involved put their name down , probably the quickest way of doing it .
22 Oddly , much credit for this advance has also to be given to Pius X who , in 1909 , founded the Biblical Institute ( the Biblicum ) in Rome and handed it over to the charge of the Jesuits , the Dominicans having earlier founded the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem .
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