Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [verb] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ At the first sign of the housing collapse , we brought in Coopers & Lybrand and worked with them for about a year .
2 Amongst Robins 's acquaintances was Robert ( Bob ) Harris , whom Robins had got to know when he came down from Keele and worked with him on Circuit .
3 A collection of early aviation postcards failed to find a buyer , but as compensation early space flight memorabilia such as the Union Flag carried by Al Warden and taken with him on Apollo 15 around the moon sold for an impressive £1,600 .
4 Janice climbed into the leather-scented Mercedes and looked around her with a self-satisfied smile .
5 I remember Lily playing her first solo on a flat-sounding descant recorder made by Dolmetsch and bought for her by her father .
6 He was for going on at once , but I would stay ; so he said he would return to Mullinavat and wait for me in a bar there .
7 Each writer is introduced by Ms Washington and placed for us against her proper contemporary backdrop , so that we can see and understand some of the pressures and concerns that shaped her writing , her style and her narrative voice .
8 Subsequently , such authors as the Brontë sisters , Jane Austen , Oliver Goldsmith , Jonathan Swift and others of great renown were the apparent signatories of letters placed in the care of Mr Singleton and sold by him by way of his bookshop or through the hands of trusted business friends who ran seemingly dowdy or seedy little second-hand enterprises in shops dark and dusty .
9 After a while , though , I started receiving letters from her , and on Sunday evenings my Pop would take me to the phone booth , where at a prearranged time I would ring a phone booth in Scotland and talk to her for 3 minutes .
10 The village of Tickton in East Yorkshire is situated on the Beverley to Bridlington road about two and a half miles north-east of Beverley and separated from it by the river Hull .
11 On July 16 Havel read out a 1968 letter found in Moscow and sent to him by Russian President Boris Yeltsin , inviting Warsaw Pact forces into Prague .
12 On July 16 Havel read out a 1968 letter found in Moscow and sent to him by Russian President Boris Yeltsin , inviting Warsaw Pact forces into Prague .
13 When I get out of my train at Victoria and look about me at the other two hundred — mostly strangers , not least so those whose names as early schoolfellows dawn on me when they disappeared , — I sometimes think that one or two of us ought to speak out instead of just voting and making a remark in the complaint book once or twice a year and writing to a newspaper less often .
14 I think the persons who helped me most were the professional actors who were playing in the West End and came to us as teachers during the day .
15 Sometimes she would stand in front of Sarah and stare at her in the most curious way , saying nothing .
16 So in the evening , after supper , Clara walked off by herself and caught the Métro and got off it at the Place Pigalle , for that was the only name on the Métro map that she recognized .
17 A small boy of about six came up to Jackson and stared at him from a distance of two feet before pulling a face and running away .
18 Teversham was unnerved by the nearness of the following Land Rover and irritated with himself for missing an elementary point .
19 By the time he had locked off the plane 's controls and opened the door , Ahmed Myeloski was out of the Lada and waiting for him by the side of the executive jet .
20 In 1963 she joined the BBC and worked on everything from Steptoe and Son to That Was The Week That Was , before reaching her real ambition to work on Playschool .
21 The other side is the consciousness of perfection and blessedness which we recognise as mediated to us through Jesus and communicated to us by him .
22 Kragan knelt down in front of Adam and looked at him as a butcher would appraise a cut of meat .
23 Bertha , who had been a student at art college in Manchester , wed Percy Gaunt and went with him to Shanghai .
24 We need biblical ways of practising the presence of God and to listen to him in the power of his Spirit .
25 It was the Guga Hunters who had chartered Viking to land the men and supplies ' on Sula Sgeir and return for them at a specified date .
26 And the girl who came for him was Young and Insolent and spoke to me as if I were some common washerwoman who must do as she was told which is not in my nature nor never was .
27 I went and sat in the churchyard and wept for Mrs Mitchell and Nelly and prayed for myself to be forgiven and for them to be looked after .
28 Faith , still hesitant of the water-crossing over the Timor Sea , met us in Hawaii and travelled with us to Denpasar , Indonesia .
29 Ash was passing through Glasgow and staying with us on her way to a new job down in London .
30 Mother needed to be reassured that it would be all right to stop putting a nappy on Susan and to talk to her about doing her ‘ poo ’ in the lavatory .
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