Example sentences of "[noun prp] was [verb] from [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Orton was dismissed from his position as Minister of Justice by Banda within weeks of Malawian independence in 1964 , and went into exile with Vera , also a lawyer , in Tanzania .
2 There was no reason why she should know that Veronica was separated from her husband .
3 But fate intervened and the young Countess of Donnington was thrown from her horse and , badly cut and bruised , lay concussed for two days and nights .
4 Towards the end of 1182 Richard was summoned from his war in the Angoumois to attend his father 's Christmas court at Caen .
5 Indeed in one melee outside the gates Richard was thrown from his horse and rescued only by the strong arm of a sturdy butcher .
6 Ralph Baughan was tipped from his wheelchair and set upon by two men who broke his wrist .
7 Her husband David was knocked from his bike and killed just ten days before Christmas last year by a man who 'd drunk three times the legal limit .
8 In December , after three years with the company , Linda Clements was promoted from her position as yarn control clerk to become Sample Room Supervisor .
9 Just as Lang was rising from his chair , claims a letter in Midweek , a burst of sunlight filled the stained glass window behind him .
10 Although , as we have seen , in 1828 Veitch was dismissed from his consulship for having addressed Napoleon as ‘ Your Majesty ’ instead of plain ‘ General ’ when he met the vanquished Emperor en route for St Helena , he had become such a popular figure in Madeira that , after representations from the island , he was reinstated by Lord Palmerston in 1831 .
11 The White Hart Lane power battle took a new twist when Venables ' associate Edward Ashby was sacked from his consultant post , a move which appears to weaken Venables position still further as he fights chairman Alan Sugar to retain his £200,000 a year job .
12 Territory was lost , possibly to the Britons , by the Northumbrians along the south bank of the Forth , whence Bishop Trumwine was expelled from his bishopric at Abercorn in the aftermath of Nechtanesmere ( HE IV , 26 ) .
13 JOHN HOOD In October , John Hood was promoted from his position as Works Manager to become the Director responsible for Manufacturing Services .
14 In 1977 a full-time salaried judge in Scotland was removed from his office for misbehaviour because he was deemed to have-engaged in public political activity .
15 42 year old Adrian Norton was suspended from his post at Stroud police station in Gloucestershire last night .
16 ‘ And Stephen was released from his promise by the Church — ’
17 The force of the decompression was so great that Captain Tim Lancaster was sucked from his seat and dashed against the outside of the aircraft .
18 Unfortunately , and quite suddenly , one July day in 1750 John Paul Espinasse was thrown from his horse outside Drogheda and died , having fractured his skull .
19 The top paediatrician in Paris was summoned from his home in the suburbs .
20 And in a churchyard in Goring , the body of Marius Steen was moved from its grave after a stay of only four short weeks .
21 Thomas Carey was pulled from his home at Coffee Hall in Milton Keynes after being overcome by fumes and smoke .
22 Accordingly , an emergency protection order was obtained and T. was removed from her mother 's care and placed with foster parents .
23 In the same period Trotsky was suggesting from his ivory tower in the capital that in order to avoid saints ' names , children should be called Ninel ( Lenin backwards ) or simply Rem ( the initials for revolution , electrification , and peace ) .
24 When he was 3 years old , Fashanu was taken from his mother and placed in a Dr Barnardo 's home in London .
25 Juliet was jolted from her reverie .
26 By the end of 1916 , Allen was acknowledging from his prison cell that any propaganda effect of conscientious objection would occur , if at all , after the war .
27 All assumed then and indeed until two days ago that Chapman was recovering from his illness .
28 This doubt allowed the possibility of a claim by his rival , Matthew Stewart , earl of Lennox , even though by the rules of primogeniture Arran had the stronger case ; for he was descended from the son of James II 's daughter Mary , whereas Lennox was descended from her daughter .
29 When she was two , Claire was taken from her family home in Leeds , West Yorkshire , after allegedly being physically abused by her father .
30 George was pushed from her mind as they took to the tiny space allocated for dancing in Margaret Forrester 's front room .
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