Example sentences of "[adv] do n't think [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They have their background , in the church and church matters in England but I personally do n't think it matters if you are not familiar with the details .
2 It 's not that I 'm against autobiographical writing I just generally do n't think it makes good , or true , fiction .
3 I just do n't think you get everything about him .
4 Well you just , you just do n't think you know , I mean , about every time you sprinkle dog wipe
5 Not because she purposely wants to be but because she just do n't think she 'd to done it , do you ?
6 I know they 've had several attempts at that but we still do n't think they 've got it right .
7 I still do n't think we 've heard the full story about that business at the off-licence . ’
8 He 's scored four in just five starts , and said : ‘ It 's been a good start but I still do n't think I 've been at my best . ’
9 But I still do n't think it hurts children to .
10 I honestly do n't think we know enough , well , anyway I 'm not qualified , erm .
11 I think it may mean that we 'll have to call a meeting quite quickly after this one , to discuss , but I really do n't think we 've got the basis of anything till that comes back .
12 ‘ But the dance classes here are such fun , ’ said a spokesman , trying to keep a straight face , ‘ that we really do n't think we need any of these Frownies . ’
13 ‘ I really do n't think we need worry , ’ said Grimma .
14 And I I really do n't think they have any business without consulting you and me , as the peoples that they represent , because I 'm I 'm a voter in North Yorkshire too , so I do n't think they have any business actually doing this without consulting us first of all .
15 If you really do n't think you stand a chance , then do n't even think of competing .
16 But it 's good , do n't get me wrong , it is well well but I really do n't think you need it .
17 It was somewhat surprising , then , that McIlvanney felt uneasy being approached for this profile , apparently for fear that he might be invited to ‘ pontificate , when I really do n't think I have that much to say ’ , It sounded like false modesty , but after he 'd relented , I remembered the long-standing ‘ pin-down ’ policy employed to prevent hubris in sports writers .
18 Wait for a suitable moment and say : " That is a very interesting point you have raised , Mr R. , which we might wish to take up at a later meeting , but I really do n't think it helps our problem at the moment . "
19 I really do n't think he 's got much of a claim there .
20 Yeah but it was n't done in a , in an enthusiastic manner it was like a sort of well who do you know like friend , family that sort of thing and at the beginning I thought you was a bit more positive but I thought when you were revisiting the , the planning the future that might have been nerves right at the beginning of the session , you then relaxed and your pace all slowed down , excellent at reminding er Jim picked up referrals mentioned earlier , handled the objection okay , do n't remember you asking Jim to contact them beforehand do n't think you did , Jim did he ?
21 I often hear you come in — please do n't think you disturb me , you 're very quiet , and I 'm always up till one or two .
22 Then he seemed to change the subject as he continued , ‘ You surely do n't think I plan just to sit around and do nothing about getting my speedboat back , not to mention my cousin ?
23 and half of it is rubbish and decent rubbish and that 's rubbish there it is I knew it was in here somewhere I knew I thought it was in the Prima they gave it to you but obviously it was erm in Essentials everything out of there do n't think they had many Christmas You used to was it you , you see you can make your own , was it you that we went up to town that time and brought those erm from John Lewis the round
24 And I truly do n't think he minded . ’
25 ‘ I certainly do n't think I 've got anything to prove .
26 I mean , I , I actually do n't think you need carpet on I mean I , I do n't
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