Example sentences of "[adv] out [prep] the [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Fishbane 's bedroom is somewhat out of the way and near the lift , so that the ladies can be discreetly smuggled up there by Ramsbum .
2 Cassie dropped her pen and moved swiftly out of the room and down the steps onto the landing .
3 He motioned with his head to Antony , who nodded and went swiftly out of the room and up the stairs .
4 Once or twice I caught the N.C.O. staring at me with an expression of hate and disgust but he never maintained it when I stared back , and would look suddenly out of the window or at the papers in the portfolio he was carrying .
5 Many teachers were unsure that they would get much out of the appraisal and felt that it would change little , especially in the light of probable cuts in spending in education .
6 Under the new captaincy of Ken Mentle , the club decided not to go all out for the title but simply to consolidate their Premier Division status .
7 Evelyn pushed Kate gently out of the way and hugged her grand-daughter .
8 After an early start we were soon out of the city and climbing .
9 When a scuffle broke out , Saville moved to get away out of the way and fell awkwardly . ’
10 Joe was already out of the kitchen and half-way across the yard and Bella began to put the dishes together .
11 Certainly er by then perhaps I forgot to mention as we went through the front door my weapon was already out of the holster and by the time we 'd got the bedroom door my weapon would already have been under er my eye level , hence literally aiming the weapon and from there the gun was out , my arm was out , whether I still had hold of P C I I ca n't recall .
12 By the time he reached the end of the yard Martin was already out of the car and was running up the steps to the house .
13 She was wasting her breath , she saw , for Ven was already out of the car and coming round to the passenger door .
14 She turned to express some of her thanks to him , but he was already out of the car and round by the passenger door opening it for her .
15 This was followed by an interesting talk by Mr N. J. Bellord on his experience with a computer in a solicitor 's office , and a number of valuable hints as to how to get the best out of the system and avoid technological pitfalls .
16 Cadfael had been awake and afield more than an hour by then , for want of a quiet mind , and had filled in the time by ranging along the bushy edges of his peasefields and the shore of the mill pond to gather the white blossoms of the blackthorn , just out of the bud and at their best for infusing , to make a gentle purge for the old men in the infirmary , who could no longer take the strenuous exercise that had formerly kept their bodies in good trim .
17 Well just out to the shop and get some ice-cream or make a table jelly when you go home .
18 The system should enable offenders with mental disorder to move quickly out of the courts and prison system to the most appropriate place for treatment , but in reality the system moves grudgingly slowly and in some parts is at a virtual standstill , leaving disturbed people in restrictive , unsuitable environments which are almost guaranteed to worsen their condition .
19 But Mike Felton 's foot had n't kicked her , he had moved it quickly out of the way and caught her as she fell and so saving her head from coming into contact with the brass coal bucket .
20 She did not see the S.S.O. coming quickly out of the library and crossing the entrance .
21 When Gray and Mr Trelawney were helping the captain , I climbed quickly out of the stockade and ran into the trees .
22 She had no time for further reflection as he marched her smartly out of the hotel and back to the car .
23 Both are carved deeply out of the mountainside and their steeply sloping auditoria seating gives a superb view of the plains below .
24 You will get more out of the agency and interviewer and make their task easier if you have already made your own attempt at self-assessment ( see p. 9 ) .
25 ‘ That said , I felt we deserved to take more out of the game and I will need to check the papers before I believe the result . ’
26 Cathy when I was in hospital in er a physiotherapy bit , where they , where they brought children in , erm there was this little girl and like she was riding round on a little bike , you know , so she 's quite , quite old and she had er , in , in brace , but her legs were like out at the side and her feet were pointing down and they 're pointing up , I 'm just a bit confused .
27 like out in the car or around
28 The effect of the Sky losses will look even more dramatic after a change in accounting policy which takes them directly out of the profit and loss account .
29 Albert Popple was always out on the allotment or in the Lamb and Flag in the mornings .
30 We went straight out into the road and bang !
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