Example sentences of "[adv] if [art] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore if the search resolves the ambiguity it will in future save all the expense that would otherwise be incurred in fighting the rival interpretations through the courts .
2 Only if a building reaches the next stage commonly regarded as romantically old-world is its survival reasonably assured .
3 But behaviours are only consistently followed by predictable outcomes under certain conditions — for example , the child 's request for a drink is followed by a drink only if an adult hears the child 's request .
4 In this respect , a person acquiring goods deals as consumer only if the supplier makes the contract to supply the goods in the course of a business ( s12 of UCTA ) .
5 These obligations should be owed only if the firm owes the putative customer fiduciary duties , for example where it sells to a brokerage client back-to-back with its own trade in the market , or advises him ; perhaps also if the firm is a market maker or holds itself out as a dealer ( since that is providing a service ) .
6 The 1893 Act allowed institutions a Parliamentary grant per pupil , but only if the institution/asylum met the standards set by the periodic visits of Her Majesty 's Inspector , so in order to meet these standards and obtain their grants , schools had to improve on the conditions in which the pupils were taught .
7 In Allied Dunbar ( Frank Weisinger ) Ltd v Frank Weisinger [ 1988 ] IRLR 60 Millett J when discussing a clause which prevented soliciting ( but not dealing ) appeared to give judicial approval to the defendant 's understanding that the clause prevented him approaching a client on a secret or confidential basis and telling him that " he can still advise him but only if the client makes the approach " .
8 An estoppel can be raised only if the representation misled the innocent purchaser .
9 Errors in searching are possible only if the searcher chooses the wrong subject heading in the published lists ; this too is regarded as an unlikely event .
10 St Augustine came to the conclusion that we can measure time only if the mind has the power of holding within itself the impression made by things as they pass by even after they are gone .
11 This vagueness will not matter so long as one is clear about the level at which the formula of ‘ ought implies can ’ is being applied : thus the latter , and weaker , kind of ‘ can not ’ would be enough to provide a strong argument against the behaviour being made into a norm for a human society , but it would not be enough if the question concerned the adoption of a personal ideal in an individual case .
12 and erm er , we , and that there are various other erm we ways in which the parties should be protected , erm , which I have n't had a chance to look at today clearly the costs of investigating , the proper costs of investigating any structured settlement would have to be dealt with on a later occasion , that it is somehow awarded , instead of protected that the plaintiff gives the defendant notice , seven day 's notice before instructing any account on to advise on the structured settlement , so if the defendant thinks the plaintiff is being wholly unreasonable they can come back to court , quite at liberty to apply and get , make his point of the directions on the therefore within these context these are the sort of orders which , on the behalf of the plaintiff I can see and I would respectively suggest that we go away , draw them up and hand them in toy our Lordship and come back later in the day if we have difficult
13 So if the horse raised the note of the whinny when it was demanding its food , the message would change from ‘ I want my dinner ’ , to ( according to Blake ) : ‘ Where is my bloody breakfast , you fool , I 'm starving . ’
14 So if the dealer sells the car to an innocent private purchaser , the latter will acquire good title .
15 It should be public property and would be so if the millionaire had the same heart and principles of Beefy .
16 It is a means by which a person can express concern and gain satisfaction , especially if the gift takes the form of personal involvement .
17 prepare in advance a set of questions to investigate very thoroughly if the candidate has the expertise and personality necessary for the job ;
18 Now if the alteration makes the crystal either less or more efficient in the damming/drying/erosion cycle , this will affect how many copies it has in subsequent ‘ generations ’ .
19 The lingering doubts were probably always there , even if a war received the approval of the Church that it was being fought for a good cause .
20 Even if a failure to implement the reorganisation would not bring the business to a standstill , dismissal for a failure to conform with it might be fair if there was ‘ some sound , good business reason for the reorganisation ’ .
21 The Conservative party has not understood that in Wales , Scotland and the north of England , it is the opposition , even if an opposition wielding the powers of the state .
22 Even if the researcher completes the writing within , say , a year , publishers need at least a year to publish the book .
23 The European Court of Justice has held that the court in the state in which enforcement is sought must examine for itself the requirements of Article 27(2) even if the court granting the judgment had considered similar issues in relation to Article 20154 .
24 The explanation is that the flavour of the decision seems right even if the substance belies the flavour .
25 Although houses now look cheap again , relative to average earnings , there are major constraints on demand still — even if the Chancellor resists the temptation to act on mortgage interest tax relief this time around .
26 Even if the company wins the order , however , it will be too late to stave off 300 redundancies .
27 But even if the money remains the same , it seems unlikely that the services will .
28 Manufacturing it requires a prohibitive amount of electricity , unless the electricity comes from cheap renewable sources , like photo-voltaic cells in the Sahara , where the sunlight is guaranteed even if the water to make the hydrogen is not .
29 However , even if the plaintiff overcomes the difficult hurdle of proving that Core Rule 28 ( or a comparable SRO rule ) has been breached , he must further show that the contravention caused him loss .
30 Even though the purchase order accepts on its face all of the terms of the seller 's quotation , and even if the quotation had the status of an offer , the purchase order will not qualify as an acceptance .
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