Example sentences of "[adv] been a [adj] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It had only been a brief talk and nothing improper was intimated .
2 ‘ These schools have long been a closed shop and many have n't been inspected for ages .
3 It had long been a controversial issue and its approval had been delayed for years because of worries about the environmental consequences and the cost of the project .
4 There has obviously been a conscious decision and determination on his part to make his life a fulfilment of prophetic utterance .
5 Moderation in all things has generally been a vain hope where human competition is concerned , and the contest to obtain the ultimate Peke-faced specimen has already led the breed into trouble .
6 He had already been a first-year seminarian when Eduardo was five .
7 But the mercury content of the sediment could soon improve if Liverpool Bay follows the pattern of the Manchester Ship canal , where there already been a significant decrease and a corresponding decline of mercury in the estuary 's surface sediment .
8 It has always been a poor region where the constant threat of danger breeds a hardy race of people .
9 We have always been a close family although there are 12,000 miles between us .
10 They had always been a close family and that night they had all ended up in tears after a lengthy talk with their family GP who had come to the house to talk to them about Jennifer 's diagnosis .
11 William Langdon , Hodge 's political adviser , told Byrnes on 20 November that the Korean people had always been a distinct nation except for the short colonial period and possessed high literacy , cultural and living standards , when judged by Asiatic or Middle Eastern standards : if trusteeship was approved , it would have to be supported by force .
12 However , military necessity has always been a dangerous principle when counterposed to the principle of humanitarian limitation of the means of warfare .
13 There has always been a lingering suspicion that BSL is a very difficult language to learn once beyond a few preliminary signs .
14 Mrs Harrison had always been a keen gardener and they had built a rockery , down which a small stream flowed with the aid of an electric pump .
15 The Grange has always been a happy house and still has a faint atmosphere of piety , fully intended by Mr Teulon .
16 There has always been a considerable dispute as to whether the Last Supper was a Passover meal .
17 It 's always been a popular pub and that , along with everything else , has n't changed .
18 PROVIDING musical settings for other people 's words has always been a handy option when one 's own muse is temporarily employed elsewhere .
19 ‘ I know I 've always been a compulsive eater but my problems really began then .
20 Geoff has always been a born fighter and wants to succeed alongside the great names in golf .
21 It has always been a busy committee but especially so in the last year or two , not least because it has taken on more responsibility .
22 I have always been a quick reader and my capacity , not to say my voracity , was generally admired .
23 She explained that Gran had once been a famous singer and that she played the organ and was teaching Oliver to sing .
24 She had once been a warm Methodist and so too , probably , had been most of her followers .
25 He had also been a close friend and political ally of Keating for more than 20 years , and had been influential in engineering Keating 's successful bid for the leadership in December 1991 [ see pp. 38675-76 ] .
26 Yet there had also been a long lag before financial markets began to apply many of the points these academics made .
27 There has also been a growing recognition that MPs need help to enable them to carry out their duties effectively .
28 ‘ Firefighting has traditionally been a male preserve but we do expect to see more women joining our ranks , ’ said a brigade spokesman .
29 There has often been a tacit assumption that these antagonists produce antibiotic metabolites and indeed , during one of the earliest metabolite searches , patulin ( 1 ) was detected as an antibiotic metabolite of Penicillium urticae , Aspergillus clavatus and A. terreus .
30 Has there been a corresponding decrease or , has there been an increase at all in other departments er , due , one presumes through having more information there will be a staffing reduction elsewhere .
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