Example sentences of "[adv] been [vb pp] for [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A superb SWAN which has only been used for private cruising in the Med .
2 The Liverpool Street dungeon was known , incongruously , as the gymnasium , presumably in memory of its intended purpose , though it had long been used for general storage .
3 The memory of the heroism and sterling qualities of Rodrigo del Bivar have thus been enshrined for all time ; his statue stands today in the main square of Burgos , staring out forever across the lands he fought so long to transform .
4 The polytechnic which has already been commissioned for significant consultancy work into the performance of roofs , will conduct the statistical analysis assessing life-span criteria across a full spectrum of roof systems .
5 When a module name is first entered into LIFESPAN , it is checked to ensure that the same name has not already been chosen for another module .
6 We 've just been overcharged for this sandwich .
7 they , they 've always been known for marvellous skin have n't they , the erm
8 Mexicans have always been known for heavy drinking because traditional forms of alcohol are cheap , peasants often making their own , and this is a classic way of forgetting the drudgery of poverty .
9 The pond has once been treated for White Spot , which occurred on six newly-purchased fish , but no other chemicals have been necessary .
10 The Bank has only once been sued for regulatory failure , after it rescued Johnson Matthey Bankers ; the case was settled out of court in 1986 in the Bank 's favour .
11 Moreover the two bishops standing at the foot of the throne had both been appointed for administrative work done in the King 's service .
12 For a small group of workers , however , who had experienced above average external exposure and had also been monitored for internal contamination by radionuclides , the mortality from cancer of the prostate gland and the lung was raised ( Beral et al , 1988 ) .
13 This format of radio and newspaper features has also been considered for Gaelic Literacy and for a horticulture course , with the materials to be printed by offset-litho .
14 More than 4,000 tickets have so far been sold for next month 's event which will have as it 's feature bout the fight between Nigel Benn and Italian Mauro Galvano .
15 Well over 5,000 units of quota have now been entered for that sale , date to be specified later , but almost certainly in April .
16 To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many secondary schools in the London borough of Hillingdon have now been approved for grant-maintained status and how many applications are still outstanding .
17 Eight schools in Hillingdon have now been approved for grant-maintained status .
18 The entire herd has now been bought for epidemiological research at about £200 a head over the normal abattoir price .
19 Their natural opponents , who had often been lashed for undue subservience to clerical domination , joyfully pointed this out : ‘ It is one of the ironies on English political life ’ declared The Tablet , the leading Roman Catholic weekly , ‘ that people who , when they are thinking of lies , are never tired of denouncing the influence of the clergy in politics , at the same time are quite ready to give up their political consciences to the keeping of their ministers . ’
20 It had earlier been planned for next week .
21 It is worth mentioning , however , that it is not always the nasal pathways that have been observed to be superior ( Neill , Sampson and Gribben , 1971 ) and that naso-temporal differences have sometimes been observed for one eye but not for the other ( Overton and Weiner , 1966 ; Markowitz and Weitzman , 1969 ; Beaton , 1977 ; 1979a ) .
22 It had initially been planned for next week .
23 It had initially been planned for next week .
24 We told how monkeys from the two parks have been sent to Shamrock Farms , near Brighton , for breeding — and have then been sold for medical research or slaughtered .
25 Since then , as has previously been noted for interregional migration , the composition of migration streams from the cities has become even more highly skewed towards the better-off .
26 Arguably certain kinds of jobs ( such as those in the Civil Service ) have historically been reserved for male Oxbridge graduates in such ‘ useless ’ subjects as history and classics : sex and class may sometimes be greater indications of a person 's ‘ worth ’ than degree subject .
27 Lying to the south-west of Worcester city , St Wulstan 's had not historically been used for mental health services .
28 He had never been treated for mental illness , and Delroy was still alive in Jamaica .
29 This has never been shown for prostatic cancer .
30 It has never been used for that purpose , although Sir Anthony Eden contemplated invoking it for government propaganda during the Suez crisis , and during the Falklands recapture it provided the legal basis for the Government 's use of BBC transmitters on Ascension Island to beam propaganda broadcasts at Argentina .
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