Example sentences of "[adv] been [verb] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Attention has quite justifiably been drawn to the fact that we have not had anything in the way of a Teachers ' Forum for some years .
2 An additional £74,000 has since been transferred to the Trust , making a magnificent total of over £380,000 generated by the affinity scheme in only six months .
3 A wide variety of other commercial and industrial organisations has since been attracted to the country , not least because of its central location and excellent transport links with the rest of the country .
4 Vasari recorded it in situ in his biography of Cosimo Roselli , but the work has since been attributed to the Master of the Fiesole ‘ Epiphany ’ , a follower of Domenico Ghirlandaio .
5 Insufficient attention has hitherto been given to the role that can be played by scholarly publication in influencing harmonization .
6 For some reason Papa 's permission , which had stubbornly been denied to the lawyer 's requests all these months , had lately been given .
7 The powerful multiplicity of sexuality has for too long been reduced to the level of the coarse car sticker , the symbol of two feet pointing upwards and two feet pointing downwards .
8 They have long been committed to the idea of such a conference for dealing with the Arab-Israeli conflict ; they are now committed to the idea of such a conference for negotiating a Gulf peace ; there is no obvious way to keep the two ideas apart .
9 The Cathedrals of Paris , Laon , Reims , Amiens , Chartres have all been likened to the Parthenon in Athens in that they , collectively and individually , present the greatest contribution to the architecture of their time — Gothic — and became prototypes for churches all over Europe .
10 They 've all been listening to the trainer .
11 Anne and Sarah , Terry and Stephen had all been promoted to the ballroom and Anne said to Sarah , ‘ I 'm trying to persuade our Joe to come .
12 Had no such provision been made , and had it merely been left to the initiative of backbenchers to keep an eye on instruments tabled , it is highly probable that many instruments would become or remain law with never a critical eye being cast over them .
13 Although due emphasis has rightly been given to the quality of the care , the first priority is the provision of sufficient places in residential establishments .
14 ‘ PW felt , rightly , that much of the information had already been given to the Bank
15 Gracie and Daisy had already been broken to the plough while still down in Sleightholmedale and had been trained to plough together , Gracie walking in the furrow and Daisy being the land horse .
16 Having lived in Walton for 29 years she has witnessed how much of the cliff has already been lost to the sea .
17 Is it not the case that the decision to split adult education between a further education funding council and local education authorities is a recipe for disaster for an important sector of education , which has already been cut to the bone as a consequence of the Government 's failed policies ?
18 The walkers delivered copies of letters which had already been mailed to the embassy giving details of the concern raised by Amnesty in appeals featured in the 30th Anniversary campaign .
19 Delegates were informed that an encouraging number of responses had already been received to the search for sponsoring organisations , and there was every prospect that the chair would be established in 1992 .
20 Reference has already been made to the way in which developments in medicine began , in the late nineteenth century , to render inadequate the traditional poor law approach to the care of the sick .
21 Several references have already been made to the support of ministers by civil servants .
22 Reference has already been made to the fact that most very old people are women .
23 Reference has , of course , already been made to the fetva given by Burhaneddin Haydar Herevi sanctioning the execution of Seyh Bedreddin In Mehmed I 's reign : with respect to the general question of the nature of in the early state , it is worth remarking that no clue is given as to why Burhaneddin was selected beyond the fact that " he was at the side of Sultan Mehmed " in Serez when Seyh Bedreddin was brought .
24 Reference has already been made to the preparedness of the staff at the Delphi Centre to use overt forms of control both in terms of language and physical contact .
25 Earlier in this chapter , reference has already been made to the decline in WEA activity in Bedfordshire and by the end of the war there were fewer classes in the county than had existed in 1935 and most of these were concentrated in the urban areas such as Bedford , Dunstable , Leighton Buzzard and Luton .
26 Reference has already been made to the intercropping of trees with cereals , legumes , etc. in many African agricultural systems ( section 4.4.1 ) to increase food production ad as a means of soil conservation , and to the planting of trees ( section 7.2.3 ) to combat erosion and desertification .
27 Reference has already been made to the examination by the Sumner Committee of the 1905 Hague Convention , and the reasoning which led to the Committee 's recommendation that the United Kingdom should not accede to that Convention but proceed rather by way of bilateral treaties .
28 Fourthly , reference has already been made to the need for cooperation to be perceived as beneficial .
29 The warning came from the all party , defence select committee , whose Conservative chairman said the country 's defence capability had already been pared to the bone .
30 At the coronation , which took place in Moscow at the end of August 1856 , Levshin , the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs , quizzed gentry representatives from many parts of the empire on the question of emancipation and found sympathy for the idea only among the north-westerners whose feelings on the matter had already been communicated to the tsar .
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