Example sentences of "[adv] we [verb] [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 So we went back to the basics to see whether we could ask the Government to abolish the ‘ cohab rule ’ altogether .
2 So we come back to the one explanation which resolves every difficulty : the ‘ discovery ’ made by the monks of Canterbury in 1120–21 , as the canons of York at once realized , was the moment of their enlargement .
3 So we go back to the house .
4 ‘ We were preparing for what we thought might be our future and so we got back to the people who 'd singled us out , and a guy called Keith Wilson , who was eventually responsible for recording and co-producing our first Fleetwood Mac album , got us down and we put an album out , which kind of came and went .
5 So we dashed back to the steamer which was just pulling out from the bank — you two were jolly glad to see us .
6 Together we went back to the lodgings , she packing her belongings , both of us braving the landlady .
7 Finally we drove up to the Clonmacnoise ruins .
8 So anyway we come up to the roundabout and she never .
9 Soon we went in to the adjacent Marie Antoinette Room for luncheon .
10 Not needing any more we turn back to the shore .
11 Also we went down to the H.Q. at Pages Park where we saw some men putting up photographs of the line in the past .
12 Oh now we get on to the really difficult stuff .
13 Now we come on to an immediate question , night flights which er there is concern about .
14 Now we come back to the Alletsons ( or Allatsons ) mentioned in the legend as it was from them the Herberts acquired the property .
15 Now we go on to the second one .
16 Now we move on to the next step of our plan .
17 Now we move on to the reflector and Irene in particular has got a very high a lot of the others .
18 Well now we move on to the election of officers and as you 've heard two er officers are , have tendered their resignation , Alan and Joan .
19 We use a succession of shorter puffs — and here we get back to the ‘ Little Bangs ’ .
20 Now here we move in to a bit of Plato always be aware of those who argue by analogy by general law life and limb must be protected yet often a limb must be amputated to save a life can you guess what 's coming next ? but a life is never wisely given to save a limb .
21 One day at 6.00 am we walked up to a disused school in our community and stood outside praying .
22 Then we cut back to the newsreader .
23 Then we sent up to the Division — ‘ Will you check on this address ? ’ — comes back , ‘ Not known ’ .
24 And then we went back to the prayer after the collection did n't we ?
25 And we used to er do a food run down and they used to come up and erm And then we went along to a to a lodge meeting th the men invited us along and I remember one of the comments back in September from one of the men was , Oh well I 'm gon na be nagged back to work soon .
26 Then we doubled back to the barges .
27 He placed his arm round my waist , which gave me a pleasurable feeling I 'd never experienced , and then we set off to the picture house .
28 And then we go back to the point which Mr Cunnane wanted to raise and they 've had their lunchtime discussions , see whether you 've come to a some form of agreement or resolution on that .
29 then we go back to the office then for an hour and people of course will come in then and say why are you booking me but
30 Then we get back to the taxi , and there you are waving your weaponry , and kidnapping us .
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