Example sentences of "[adv] but [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 First take-offs are a bit hairy , and despite the instructor 's words of caution everyone ends up running behind a wildly-accelerating aircraft gently but surely swerving to the left .
2 Pareto 's economic theory began with free competition , and his theory of society similarly seems to argue that in ideal conditions of free competition between elites the individuals in the elite groups will be slowly but continually replaced by the free circulation of elites .
3 Too great a reliance on self-financing would , however , require prices which were well above long-run costs ( or as it was differently but conventionally expressed in the contemporary discussion by officials , would burden present-day consumers with an unfair proportion of the costs of supplying electricity in the future ) .
4 The other variables with i subscripts are as before but now refer to the ith country .
5 It was accurately but extensively restored in the mid-nineteenth century by Viollet-le-Duc .
6 Here the limestone of the Force gives way to peat moorlands pierced by disused coal pits , abandoned long ago but temporarily revived by the villagers during the coal strike of 1926 .
7 LIKE thousands of other my family was indirectly but irrevocably affected by the unrest of the early 1970s .
8 It must be something of the sentiment that inspired the war poets , enduring indescribable ugliness — the mutilation and destruction of people and places amongst the fragile flowers that nature silently but abundantly proffered in the stench , decay and squalor of the trenches .
9 This allows it to land nearby but not interfere with the descent .
10 John o' Groats is commonly but wrongly regarded as the most northerly tip of the country and because of this popular misconception attracts many visitors , most of whom come for no better reason than to be able to say they have been there and , having satisfied this ambition , turn round and return south .
11 The standards of humanity and gentility expected of guards , or shown towards prisoners , may not have been those of Alexander Paterson or the Howard League ; but there were standards , which were informally learned and informally but forcefully demanded of the guards .
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