Example sentences of "[adv] as [verb] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 Many other worthwhile books were , like them , consigned to pulp or book sales because they were simply ‘ irrelevant to the community ’ , so as to make room for the multiple copies of paperbacks from Pluto Press and the like which the community apparently needed more .
2 Even when Shaun and Bez went as far as editing Penthouse for the day , papers tutted and sighed but still printed pictures of the pair grinning like village idiots , surrounded by tits and bums .
3 The CNAA 's ideas were taking a different shape in 1975 , showing an unwillingness to go as far as delegating authority for the approval of courses , but pursuing the idea of ‘ internal validation ’ .
4 Foreign trade officials from all 15 union republics met on July 26 and signed an agreement to divide among the republics Soviet diamond , gold and hard currency reserves , and foreign credits to the Soviet Union , as well as sharing responsibility for the Soviet Union 's $65,000 million foreign debt .
5 This enables housing associations to use their expertise in design as well as providing maintenance for the building .
6 So parents actually welcomed the possibility of a large family : an extra pair of hands could soon pay for itself by working in the fields as well as ensuring security for the parents ' old age .
7 As well as raising money for the National Trust for the Homeless , the event was intended to promote a National Sleepout next month .
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