Example sentences of "[adv] had [to-vb] the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Jesus only had to say the word and he knew that the servant would be healed ( Luke 7:7 ) .
2 The men only had to scrape the ship and careen her , recaulk her seams and overhaul her rigging in readiness for the voyage home to market .
3 Dr El-Essawy , of the more moderate Muslims , said Mr Rushdie only had to withdraw the book and Muslims would give up their campaign .
4 At the height of the heatwave , with Hurley in Washington , Coleman finally had to notify the embassy that he was closing down the listening post and moving into the hotel across the street to save the equipment as well as the family from overheating .
5 and the skin you just had to press the skin and , and the oh it was all , you know you could just
6 Was there ever any time when you just had to accept the fact that the hay would have to be carried in wet ?
7 They still had to grasp the facts but they were also prompted to explain them : Why revolt ?
8 Then he had to remember that even after the rounds had been allocated and the stetches accounted for , he still had to include the acre or so of headland , the land on the outside of the field where the ploughs turned , which had to be ploughed the last of all . ’
9 My earnings now had to pay the mortgage and household bills as well as subsidise the café .
10 The son of another Superintendent has told how he and his mother often had to remove the leggings and gaiters from his father when he arrived home soaking wet and utterly stiff and weary after cycling several miles to and from a meeting on a winter night .
11 He often had to pay the wages and expenses of the royal huntsmen out of the issues of his bailiwick .
12 Filming stopped the entire unit decamped for lunch , and then had to abandon the scene as the tide had gone out and the puffer dropped from its previous position at the pier .
13 With both Leith and Sebastian in agreement about the flat , they then had to face the fact that although the inheritance from their grandfather was considerable it was nowhere near enough to buy the flat outright .
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