Example sentences of "[adv] at [art] same [noun sg] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , let us consider an alternative scenario , in which one manufacturer decides to raise its input price ( possibly at the same time reducing the franchise fee ) .
2 There is some comment has been made that a new settlement to the South or the South West of York would in some way undermine the urban regeneration erm of Leeds City Council , now I find this a surprising comment given that though people who are making that comment are also at the same time advocating much increased development allocations to , for example , Harrogate district , the main centre for which is erm , nearer than most conceivable new settlement locations to the South and South West of York .
3 I leap outside into the snow , stand ankle deep in the snow and strain frantically at the same time trying to remember which direction I am pointing so that I can give instructions about where not to get the snow for tomorrow 's tea .
4 Any explanation requires description , and it is difficult , or perhaps impossible , to describe something without at the same time explaining it .
5 When Queenie talks about the increased expenditure on recreation from nineteen eighty to now , that 's quite right , there has been a huge increase in spending , and that 's because the Labour Council was committed to improving recreation facilities in the City , and it did n't continue the appalling record that the Conservative administration had had before of virtually no recreational facilities , it invested in recreation facilities — you listed them yourself — and of course those facilities have to be paid for and on when we have stood for election we 've always made it clear that we want to provide quality services , but of course that they have to be paid for , and so the second point that you then made was that , you know , our budget 's gone up beyond belief , well I mean this year it 's being cut by two million pounds , last year it was a standstill budget , and erm that has been done at a time when in fact Central Government has been transferring responsibilities from Central Government onto Local Government without increasing , indeed at the same time decreasing the amount of Central Government grant that 's gone to local councils .
6 He attempts to resolve the problem by affirming his belief in the ideal on the grounds that man 's life is an aspiration or a striving for , perfection , yet at the same time recognizing that in an imperfect world one has to make concessions to , or to cater for , human weakness .
7 It was a practice requiring the submission of the lower classes on the street , yet at the same time reflecting subordination of the constables to the whims of senior officers and to a manipulative body of law .
8 All the blood drained from Folly 's face as she listened , straining for the meaning that eluded her ears , and yet at the same time knowing that there could be no innocent explanation .
9 When she thought about them , she saw devils as small creatures with hooves and a tail , horned and two-legged and yet at the same time resembling tadpoles .
10 " How strange it is , " mused Fleury , feeling the futility of everything yet at the same time enjoying the feeling , " that these millions of wings , with all their wonderful machinery of nerves and muscles , should be made to serve the purpose of a single flight .
11 As the son of a school-inspector and a typical representative of the pre-Soviet intelligentsia , Lenin was torn between the conflicting needs of creating a politically and culturally conscious nation as fast as possible , yet at the same time ensuring that vulgarized , superficial agitation did not become a substitute for thoroughgoing education on a broad base .
12 I suppose when they string together every possible Celtic cliché , you can only sit back and submit knowing that the stereotype is so overplayed as to be utterly ridiculous , yet at the same time resenting the perpetration of it .
13 Northern GRAMOPHONE readers ( and surely many southerners as well ) will join me in welcoming back to the catalogue the first of James Loughran 's Hallé Orchestra has always shown a special feeling for Brahms 's sound , and Loughran is also a highly responsive Brahmsian , flexibly spontaneous in his sense of line , yet at the same time demonstrating a comparable structural grasp .
14 Nevertheless , the example points up the paradox of the advantage to the teacher of having to experience new learning alongside and in co-operation with the children , and yet at the same time having to be an expert in the subject .
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