Example sentences of "[adv] on the first [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Apparently on the first night of the opera , contrary to the usual customs , the audience insisted on hearing one of Bernasconi 's arias repeated , and many arias were applauded .
2 The working leg is thrust outwards on the first beat of a bar , heels click and stamp to accent the appropriate beats .
3 Speaking from his holiday home in Kennebunkport , President George Bush sought to distance himself from the controversy , stating that it was not " a matter for the president to be concerned about , especially on the first day of his vacation " .
4 The agreement was a verbal agreement only on the first day of the new year and the two of them agreed to share profits equally .
5 But you can see , you can see already that the production rate is no where near good enough to meet the programme and if it 's only on the first part of the seventh floor , bearing in mind we 've got to be working on three floors at the same time , we 're only on the first part of the seventh floor and already we 've got overlaps on day Granted , it 's a major problem .
6 But you can see , you can see already that the production rate is no where near good enough to meet the programme and if it 's only on the first part of the seventh floor , bearing in mind we 've got to be working on three floors at the same time , we 're only on the first part of the seventh floor and already we 've got overlaps on day Granted , it 's a major problem .
7 It 's now available for only seven shows out of twenty seven in the next programme and only on the first night of each show and only at a cost of two pounds and these are the audience of tomorrow as I wrote to you Mr you neglect these people at your peril why 've you changed the scheme ?
8 But all the first-year students had arrived together on the first day of term and sought out the one fixed event in the university calendar , the Freshmen 's Fayre .
9 These can be thought of as two separate systems with the non-metropolitan counties and metropolitan districts forming the core authorities ( see fig. 3.1 ) The first local councils under the 1972 Act were elected in 1973 and after a year of preparation , took office formally on the first day of April 1974 .
10 It was Dad ( as I now knew Malc 's father ) who opened the door at 6.45 p.m. on the first day of 1967 .
11 For example , with music of the Mozart period we often know what is coming next , even on the first hearing of a work .
12 If you are unable to attend for work for any reason , you must ensure that your immediate Manager is informed before 10 am on the first day of absence so that arrangements can be made to deal with your work .
13 Once in a while , maybe on the first night of a stint somewhere , and we 've got the time , we might just do a brief check of some songs .
14 On the one hand opinion polls showed Chirac to be the right-winger most likely to be ahead on the first ballot of a presidential election , making the RPR anxious to win agreement on primaries .
15 Curzon reported that as early as 1887 , with the line barely completed , 6,000 Central Asian pilgrims used the Trans-Caspian westwards on the first leg of their journey to Mecca .
16 A dash down the road , and happily on the first song of Monsterland 's set has gone a-begging .
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