Example sentences of "[adv] on the [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Time to go home , ’ she said , and kissed Jay gently on the cheek at the door .
2 Robert thought about Hasan : about the strange , powerful stillness he carried with him , about his high , precise voice and his exquisite fingers , laced together on the desk at the back of Mass 1 .
3 The standard way of exploring fur lead was by searching for veinstone pebbles in the becks of gills , and when enough of the veinstones were found to indicate a good deposit of lead-bearing ores a dam was built up above on the fell at the head of the beck .
4 Just on the floor at the front here , would you people just pick up one or two of the things that you have in front of you and hold them up above above your heads please .
5 He was elsewhere on the course at the time , but since then he has seen it replayed many times on film .
6 The black briefcase was still on the floor at the back of the hanging space , under the suits .
7 At eighty five bid standing standing at eighty five against you all seated now , at ninety pounds , standing at the back and I 'll sell at ninety pounds , are you all done , ninety pounds ninety five just in time one hundred one ten one twenty one thirty one thirty still on the left at the back at one thirty , any more now at a hundred and thirty pounds ?
8 ‘ There 's a camp being put together right now on the moor at the top of the brae , ’ Maggie explained .
9 Lot one hundred and twenty mother of pearl case now three hundred for this one , three hundred pounds , any more ? three hundred and twenty , three fifty , three eighty , four hundred and twenty four hundred and twenty , four fifty four eighty five hundred fifty six hundred six fifty seven hundred seven hundred pounds near the back , any more at seven hundred , and fifty new bidder against you now seven hundred and fifty over there on the right at the back and I 'll sell at seven fifty eight hundred eight hundred on the left at the back , now any more at eight hundred pounds ?
10 He had driven home slowly and stopped twice on the way at the Hollybush at Newark and at the Merrie England .
11 The countries whose applications for membership are officially on the table at the time of writing are Austria ( which applied as long ago as 1989 ) , Sweden , Finland , Malta , Cyprus and Turkey .
12 They were sitting again on the terrace at the Continental .
13 Slipping back to rescue the camera case , Jack was charmed and moved to see Hans quietly remove all the addresses from his anorak pocket and throw them casually on the fire at the same time as he ordered a English beer .
14 They 're actually on the phone at the moment , can I take a message ?
15 And they 're the ones in the situation so they get pa they 're the ones who are actually on the ward at the bottom and then pass it up .
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