Example sentences of "[adv] be done [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So at the end of the day it must be for the courts to decide how to classify particular functions , and this can only be done on the basis of some normative judgment about the desirable scope of judicial review .
2 This can only be done with the parents ' help .
3 Shifting between the gears in these two lower ratios can only be done with the tractor at a standstill , so it does n't matter that they are unsynchronised .
4 But this can only be done at the price of a restriction of body size .
5 With the verbal arts I think it can only be done for the moment by writing about nature .
6 This can only be done through a committee and then the information will be sent to all members of the committee .
7 The lookup functions ( any , or all ) can only be performed in a processing procedure and the run procedure can only be done in a command procedure .
8 Although some doctors may recommend putting a board under the mattress , this should only be done in an emergency .
9 This being the case , if the production of constant capital is to increase — an absolute necessity for accumulation to occur — then this can only be done by a transfer to Dept .
10 I have declined to act as external examiner to candidates whose subject or thesis title seemed to be so dubious that a successful treatment of it could only be done by a candidate of exceptional brilliance ; in such cases it is likely that the candidate has had inadequate or misguided supervision .
11 The effect of this is to make clear that registration as an RFL does not entitle the RFL to undertake work which may only be done by a solicitor , and also that an RFL must not put solicitors or recognised bodies in breach of rules , or other requirements of conduct .
12 This could only be done by the Trustees , as members could not afford to fund entirely .
13 Such previously unimaginable impertinences must not only be done by the book : they must be seen to be too .
14 If there was a widespread desire to alter the degree of influence exercised by Parliament and to make the life of a backbench MP an attractive prospect in its own right for public-spirited men and if this could only be done by the acceptance of some new countervailing powers , this would be no harder for successive governments than , for example , accepting the limitations involved in joining the Common Market .
15 And if there were a proposal to establish a funding council , that would best be done in the context of the further education colleges having acquired self-governing status , having found their feet and having had an opportunity to discuss the respective roles of the funding council and of the Secretary of State .
16 Adaptations can usually be done to a property to suit it to your needs .
17 Directions of this kind , given at the low vision clinic , should be communicated to the teacher who is working with the child at school , and this will usually be done through the specialist adviser for visually handicapped pupils .
18 This will usually be done by the landlord entering into a long-term maintenance contract with a specialist .
19 As Winston Churchill was to write : ‘ Honour must ever be done to the Tsar and Russian nation for the noble ardour and loyalty with which they hurled themselves into the war . ’
20 Does my hon. Friend feel that justice could possibly be done to the coal reserves in that pit with such a small squad ?
21 Advanced work for the hemiplegic arm may also be done with the patient sitting down .
22 Work to improve co-ordination may also be done on the arms and legs .
23 Some of your analysis and dictionary work could probably be done outside the language area too .
24 However , almost all of them can equally be done by the student working independently , either in a language laboratory or at home .
25 Alternatively , some of this type of work could well be done on the side , that is , alongside work of a more directed nature where rewards are more easily identifiable .
26 Investigation may well be done by a sub-committee but the deciding authority must then be apprised of that material .
27 The proposers , Neil McLean and Mel Collier , head and deputy head of library services at PCL , wanted to see what could usefully be done in the way of library automation using networked microcomputers rather than the conventional multi-user access to a mainframe or large mini .
28 This can most readily be done with the aid of a computer , and if your agency does not have the facilities , several of the media owners and one or two computer bureaux have suitable programs available on a fee basis .
29 Much of the software debugging can initially be done on a computer .
30 Nevertheless , the training is sometimes unavoidably accompanied by the infliction of punishment in some form or other , but as is very well-known , this should never be done as a result of a fit of anger .
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