Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] to [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The experience in the United States can not necessarily be extrapolated to the United Kingdom .
2 The Chance 's other son , David , an entertainment manager in Glasgow and one-time director of tourism in Scotland , will shortly be moving to the London area as general manager of a theatre and arts complex .
3 Reference should also be made to the SCCC Advice on Progression from S3/S4 to S5/S6 .
4 It can also be connected to the Symon LED panels that Fernhart distributes in Europe for Applied Micro Inc of Houston and Dallas .
5 Applications for mandatory approval under s 590 , TA 1988 and authorisations for schemes to invest in exempt unit trusts or to receive dividends without deduction of UK tax should also be sent to the Nottingham office .
6 A ‘ strong ’ letter will also be sent to the WBO asking them to consider a re-match with Jimenez because of the close nature of a verdict in which German judge Norbert Krosch scored the fight even at 115 points each .
7 Modules of any type may also be added to an SSR , after it has been submitted , by its submitter and the range of module versions to which an SSR refers may be extended .
8 Modules of any type may also be added to an SSR , after it has been submitted , by its submitter .
9 Called Radonezh ( after the location of the famous Holy Trinity monastery founded by St Sergius ) , it will initially broadcast three days a week in Moscow province and in the near future will also be beamed to the Leningrad and Novograd provinces .
10 On some testimony , drafts must also be submitted to the KGB and the Central Committee 's Propaganda Department as well .
11 The package(s) being endorsed will automatically be added to the SSR by LIFESPAN .
12 Well we 'd rather be talking to the West Midlands , Chair rather than fighting about where it 's going throughout the whole of England , which is a slight difference , in geographical terms .
13 Troops will now be offered to the UN to aid mercy missions — but not to combat a bloody guerrilla war .
14 Completed SPRs should then be sent to the SST offices in Chippenham .
15 If the products satisfied this panel 's criteria , they would then be referred to an EC jury for further scrutiny , to ascertain whether the Commission 's " eco label " requirements are met .
16 The stereo tape will then be replayed to the Berlin judges who will listen on individual headphones .
17 ( Indeed , some Soviet planners have speculated that it might be advantageous to license Western factories to produce Soviet equipment which would then be exported to the USSR . )
18 Sales will initially be limited to the US , although Rover may launch the car in other markets , including the UK .
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