Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] on [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Rehearsal time for the cast would be limited , just a few days together in a church hall with sticky tape on the floor and a few odd props to suggest sets that will only be seen on the Friday .
2 Substantial progress has been made on , for example , the Northampton line and the Thames and Chiltern lines and will shortly be made on the Kent link lines .
3 I also announced that Robert Lindsay would soon be appearing on the London stage in the title role of a classic story .
4 Behbehanian was to write to all foreign banks that held the Shahs funds to inform then that form no on His Imperial Majesty would be dealing with them direct and the He Muhammad Behbehanian , would no longer be acting on the Shah 's behalf .
5 It had to be someone anonymous , but somebody who would be allowed to speak to the man if he was there , and someone who might conceivably be ringing on a Saturday night .
6 I began to feel that it could n't possibly be encroaching on a Monday afternoon and that Emily and I had an office to go back to .
7 Pickets will also be placed on the IDA offices , the County Hall and premises of other bodies supporting the action ;
8 Coleby said : ‘ The course has been approved by police and the race will probably be held on a Wednesday evening in August . ’
9 The Spanish government may , of course , be hoping in the long term to be able to buy at least part of this collection at favourable rates ; otherwise it must simply be gambling on the Thyssen collection being a sufficiently spectacular and alluring feather in the cultural cap of the capital over the next ten years to make its considerable investment worthwhile .
10 Kaleida , Apple Computers Inc and IBM Corp 's joint multimedia venture , is expected to announce the appointment of Nat Goldhaber as CEO this week : Goldhaber , founder of Centram Systems West , will reportedly be joined on the Kaleida board by an array of Apple and IBM executives including David Nagel , senior vice president of Apple 's Advanced Technology Group ; Robert Carberry , IBM 's assistant general manager of personal systems ; and two other high-ranking executives from Apple and IBM .
11 Because of the location these events could barely be heard on the Lower Ormeau Road never mind two miles away .
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