Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There may be items on the agenda relating to individual members of staff or children that are confidential and visitors to the governors ' meeting should naturally be asked to withdraw during discussion of these , but most items can be dealt with in open session .
2 The paint exchange scheme will shortly be expanded to take in paint waste from the trade sector in the city .
3 Eating quail 's eggs , he frowned as he reread the letter from Lloyd 's : it warned him of the amount that he would shortly be expected to produce in settlement .
4 ‘ Principally , ’ I continued , ‘ it has been felt that Father should no longer be asked to wait at table , whether or not guests are present . ’
5 In May 1688 Ken was urgently summoned to London by Sancroft , the Archbishop of Canterbury , to consult with his fellow bishops in response to an Order in Council requiring them to instruct their clergy to read in Church a Declaration of Indulgence ; under this , Roman Catholics and Dissenters would no longer be required to subscribe to oaths under the Test Acts .
6 With the creation of a formidable nuclear force , the Soviet homeland can no longer be held to ransom against Socialism 's expansion ; as the West 's capacity for direct intervention is blunted by ‘ the growing might of the Socialist camp ’ , the ideological struggle is not only safer , but free to intensify .
7 Following the publication on July 4 of a government survey showing that 71 per cent of the population felt there were " too many Arabs " in France , Cresson announced on July 11 that border controls would be stepped up , and that foreigners seeking political asylum would no longer be allowed to stay in France solely because of economic difficulties in their home countries .
8 Chandra Shekhar announced on Feb. 17 that US military aircraft would no longer be permitted to refuel in India en route to the Gulf war theatre .
9 Macari will finally be allowed to listen to Celtic 's offer of the manager 's job sometime tomorrow .
10 If Stagecoach has sold it , why should the contemptible consumers of bus services not just be left to suffer from market forces imposed on them by the Government through privatisation ?
11 A variety of techniques will be used to chart their general beliefs about child development , as well as their specific estimates of what children of given ages might normally be expected to achieve in history .
12 Shells are pleasant to handle and regard , can easily be perforated to serve as ornaments and in addition are remarkably durable .
13 People can relatively easily be stimulated to talk about things in a particular way .
14 Chemically , they differ considerably from morphine , but they can usually be seen to correspond to part of the morphine molecule , and are thus envisaged as acting on the same receptors .
15 Tenor tree was only felled in the last ten years — and the stump can still be seen planted with pansies .
16 The hypotheses considered in the preceding section of this chapter ( that pre-exposure allows the formation of a stimulus — no event association , and so on ) still remain viable provided it is allowed that the associations they envisage can still be assumed to interfere with retrieval .
17 But they could still be summoned to appear in court to answer the allegations of their creditor , to admit or give good reasons for disclaiming them — if the sum involved was less than £5,000 in a county court , if more in the High Court .
18 He acknowledged that in some cases it could be hundreds of pounds extra but argued that people would still be allowed to go to law .
19 Here we report that human mutant cell lines that lack mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) , and therefore do not have a functional respiratory chain , can still be induced to die by apoptosis , and that they can be protected from apoptosis by the overexpression of bcl-2 , suggesting that neither apoptosis nor the protective effect of bcl-2 depends on mitochondrial respiration .
20 Stretches of this can still be found descending on Peebles from the north and , south of the town , across a ford on the Haystoun burn and over Kailzie hill , heading onwards over the Ettrick Water towards the Border .
21 Thus the young gallant should never ever be seen walking on foot , and should at all times carry funds enough ‘ for the expenses of a palanquin' which he should regard as ‘ the best of all conveyances ’ .
22 In 1982 , the Maryland court which had originally endorsed the use of hypnosis to enhance recall , and which had the most experience in the issues surrounding forensic hypnosis , ruled that no witness who has been hypnotised will ever be allowed to testify in Maryland court unless or until the scientific community can document its reliability .
23 For instance , at the most basic level , the higher the profit margin the supplier receives for performing a contract , the greater the liability he can reasonably be asked to accept for failure to perform as promised .
24 If you can not reasonably be expected to vote in person on polling day you can apply for an absent vote .
25 How long can they reasonably be expected to last in conditions like that ?
26 a helmet of a type manufactured for use by persons on motor cycles which by virtue of its shape , material and construction could reasonably be expected to afford to persons on motor bicycles a degree of protection from injury in the event of an accident similar to or greater than that provided by the helmet of a type complying with one of the specifications referred to in the preceding subparagraph ; and
27 It can also be tuned to trade off video quality against compression speed .
28 An attempt will also be made to look at changes in the years since the last war in order to establish long-term trends , if any .
29 Listeners will also be invited to react to items on the programme with their observations and comments .
30 Cover may also be arranged to protect against losses during the manufacturing period and is available for certain types of services as well as manufactured goods .
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