Example sentences of "[adv] was [adj] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Brooks , a friend of Dad 's , suffered from corns and so was unable to make the journey to buy his own papers without considerable discomfort .
2 But a global cooling of only five degrees or so was enough to produce the Ice Ages .
3 In 1971 it was rescued by Rupert Murdoch , who alone was prepared to risk the capital to keep it afloat .
4 In his opening address on 29 September the pope rejected the notion , common since Vatican I , that the authority of the pontiff alone was sufficient to govern the Church , and listed the four aims of the Council : that the Church should have a clearer idea of its own nature ; that there was need for renewal ; that Christians of all denominations be brought closer together ( he apologized for the Catholic Church 's own failings in its relations with non-Catholics ) ; and finally , the need for dialogue between Church and world .
5 Eloquence alone was sufficient to defeat the motion .
6 Eventually she came to Byblos and succeeded in having the palace column removed and thus was able to retrieve the casket and take it back to Egypt , where she hid it in the marshes of the Delta .
7 I also was able to attend the School Speech Day in the evening of one of my work days .
8 as if the atrocity that came before was necessary to validate the atrocity that will come after .
9 Few in the Treasury believed that it really was impossible to control the prison population if Ministers were sufficiently determined .
10 Like the Greek and Egyptian legends of old , here was material to fire the imagination of writer , reader and viewer alike broad in its scope and with a fine attention to detail .
11 This is far from clear , for the Army at least was prepared to allow the Church of England to remain in being , with bishops deprived of coercive powers .
12 Lucille felt friendless in an enemy country , but then was relieved to see the Dowager Countess of Mauberges who , like so many other Belgian aristocracy , thought of herself as French and wanted the world to know it .
13 Hitherto , her parents ' requests for withdrawal of her life-support measures had been denied by the courts on the grounds that the patient 's own wishes in the matter were unclear , and that nobody else was competent to make the decision on her behalf .
14 He was apologetic , explained that an error had been made with her account and very cleverly was able to persuade the woman to give her PIN number .
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