Example sentences of "[adv] i be [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As curtain goes up , my hands are shaking so badly I 'm in grave danger of flight .
2 I can be doing the most mundane of tasks , and quite suddenly I 'm in another place , with different people . "
3 Suddenly I 'm in another world . ’
4 Suddenly I was on first names terms .
5 Er yes because obviously I was in that type of field .
6 Yes that 's how that 's how it was , yes all I was on that gate , I 'd been on that gate myself dozens of times .
7 Physically I 'm in great shape .
8 ‘ The sooner I 'm in that pool again , the happier I 'll be . ’
9 He really you know made me feel I say I were n't sat there like I was with that fella thinking well he do n't seem to know what he 's saying anyway .
10 It would have served as a substitute-gratification for their own sadism ( i.e. , ‘ I can not retaliate against my father , but I can against my younger brother ’ ) ; but also as a defence on the part of the ego ( i.e. , ‘ I am spared the anxiety of being made the object of an attack if I can instead become the attacker ’ ) ; finally , it would also have contributed a first , rudimentary focus for the superego ( i.e. , ‘ My father is not now the attacker — I am — hence I am to that extent my father ! ’ ) .
11 After John had given me a thorough brief on the ground , I took-off from Duxford and ten seconds later I was in thick cloud .
12 In fact I 'll give my neighbours who live opposite , I do n't see a lot of them but they they are my opposite neighbours and of course the 's really I 'm on good terms with I ought to give them I 'll get them a tin of biscuits as well .
13 Now I am in urgent need of a tutor in such matters as the shadow star Nemesis , the irridium level and other such metaphysical absurdities .
14 Now I 'm in second stage .
15 you know so erm so some er a lot more should 've been done about actually getting , even if it was just well I 'm in that area , I 'm in the area on such and such a day anyway so I can call in to see you .
16 I wish to be at home with you indeed , indeed-my Joy is only in the bud here I am like that Tree , which fronts me — The Sun shines bright & warm , as if it were summer — but it is not summer & so it shines on leafless boughs .
17 The Government buildings along the Embankment drop away behind us , and here I am in another world , another life .
18 If the choice now is between shoring up a democratically bankrupt Westminster or standing up for the restoration of Scottish democracy , then I am for Scottish democracy .
19 then I was on this roller and then we got er started up at the power station with the
20 Then I was in another ship , three years ago , and we saw this island .
21 And if I make them , at least I 'm in good company .
22 But seriously I 'm against this budget because of what is , what it does n't contain rather than what it does contain .
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