Example sentences of "[adv] and [adv] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Innocent 's chancery — which was to bear quite a heavy weight of governmental responsibility during the pontificate — appears to have been run personally and autocratically by the pope .
2 In most countries north of the Alps wine was the luxury of the rich , even though most of the wine drunk at this time was what we should call ‘ vin ordinaire ’ ; and even communion wine ( which had done so much to foster the growth of the northern vineyards ) was drunk less and less by the laity in these centuries , until communion in one kind became the rule .
3 This was done successfully through the use of patois both defensively and offensively by the group .
4 Money , Aimee , who is scarred physically and mentally by the attack , believes would be well spent .
5 The warning signs were , in any case , hoisted slowly and cautiously by the scientists .
6 The successful transfer of such experience from teacher to pupil is taken to require a sense of a " community of interest " which " would be felt instinctively and immediately by the pupil " :
7 To sift the good from the bad in the daily onset taxes all our wits … no use battling against such a stream ; all the shouting , the crying and the spluttering of all times have not arrested it , nor will they , for rubbish is necessary ... thistledown blown hither and thither by the wind .
8 The desirable behaviour is modelled deliberately and emphatically by the parent .
9 However , we were received promptly and courteously by the Minister for Local Government and Inner Cities yesterday when we explained the situation to him .
10 When we adhered to the gold standard , the House had no say in monetary policy because the money supply was dictated arbitrarily and objectively by the volume of gold discovered in the world .
11 Both pickups have been screwed directly into the body of the guitar , a device being employed more and more by the rock fraternity , ever in search of yet more sustain .
12 I was struck more and more by the fact that there are comparable celebrations of human brilliance in the most deprived places .
13 Diary and news magazine programmes : These too are organised both nationally and regionally by the BBC and networked by the independent companies .
14 Finvest 's men have been making the bidding against RAI harder and harder by the season and now they are fighting on a match-by-match basis .
15 The cumulative impact of these three determinants of redundancy payments is that women are discriminated against both directly and indirectly by the legislation .
16 In turn , those employed directly and indirectly by the industry , spend the majority of their income in the UK , and this creates many additional jobs across the country .
17 Will those applications , which total 4,500 from my constituency alone , be assessed fairly and reasonably by the DSS in Strathclyde and will he assure me that there will not be the delays that characterised the applications for disability benefit vis-a-vis vibration white finger and beat knee claims ?
18 It is an attractive modern hotel , run pleasantly and professionally by the Sinclair family who originally came from Orkney .
19 Knives chopping carrots , spoons mixing in spices , rolling-pins rolling out the dough , bubbling pans … there is lots of interesting and colourful action in a well run kitchen , enlivened now and again by the peering of children 's eyes over the table-top at all that is going on .
20 It did n't like it at first , and moved and beat against the sides of the plastic and the neck of the can while I held it and sweated , listening to the hum of the insects and the rustling of the grass , staring at Blyth as he lay there still and silent , his dark hair ruffled now and again by the breeze .
21 Faint little star , half hidden , revealed now and then by the wind ; flickering pin-point in a whirling galaxy , the prayer of navigators … see me home .
22 The walls were built of dark , rough stone , almost black , pitted here and there by the heat of the furnaces .
23 Far below us pine forest bearded the foothills , broken here and there by the scars of red roofed villages , sensibly sited well away from the vulnerable coast .
24 British delegates were offered by the organisers a package of " rail and boat fare there and back by the Dover-Calais route plus hotel accommodation with two meals for seven complete days : £3 95 3d for third class and £3 16s 3d for second class travel " , which in the circumstances was almost irresistible .
25 The plea or defence to this was that the notes were made jointly and severally by the defendant 's father , John Revill , and by Samuel Revill , as well as by the defendant , and that before the action the plaintiff , without the defendant 's knowledge or consent , struck out the name of Samuel Revill on the notes and wholly discharged him from liability .
26 Encouraged both financially and materially by the Bank , the partners , in great secrecy , first at Croydon and then at the Bank itself , between 1818 and 1821 produced banknotes by offset .
27 She ran her hand down over his chest and stomach , and seized him softly and irresistibly by the roots .
28 He was depicted as the sun , a young warrior who was born each day , defeated the stars of the night and was resurrected again and again by the souls of warriors in his care .
29 The second sentence may be a little easier and usually by the end of the first paragraph , students feel more secure ; they are " into " the essay .
30 Perhaps the Minister can clarify whether the provisions of the Bill will be operated specifically and only by the transport police .
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