Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] me [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was bleeding from a laceration on my scalp and was so drunk that I had no recollection of what had happened ; a Sergeant quizzed me closely and seeing that I was incapable of speech , took me downstairs and put me into an ambulance .
2 He inhaled smoke deeply and looked me in the eyes .
3 One day he took me aside and left me with the designer , a nervous girl who always wore black .
4 Before we sat down in the restaurant Jamila took me aside and kissed me on the mouth .
5 At eleven she sent Gwenellen to take over temporarily and took me into the duty-room .
6 He pushed his horse nearer and grasped me by the arm , his long dark face , usually solemn , wreathed in smiles .
7 Greg is lying on one of the Palace 's luxuriant couches , gesticulating wildly and fixing me with a stare that is part ultimate artistic earnestness and part repressed pathological violence .
8 If you came in now and asked me for a pound of apples , well in a way I would n't know a stranger whether they like them under-ripe , ripe or just ready for eating .
9 I paid off his debts , but unfortunately for you , he insisted that he 'd pay me back someday and left me with a considerable number of IOUs .
10 You come down here and tell me about the time you went to the Abacos . ’
11 ‘ Linford , ’ he said , ‘ if you beat Emmit King you can come back here and punch me in the mouth ; that 's how confident I am . ’
12 Look at that time my dad did that lady over there and left me on the phone and told me to stay there and I was like that .
13 Dad leaned forward and tapped me on the knee .
14 I feel pressure on my back as Frank leans forward and pushes me against the window with his paunch .
15 Instead of joining the press of bodies that jammed up the aisle towards the crush bar , he took my arm once again and drew me in the opposite direction .
16 Tremayne came to collect me from the hospital afterwards and told me on the way to Shellerton that Mackie had got through the court ordeal bravely .
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