Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] at she [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He took another step backwards and stared at her for a long moment before saying , ‘ This is the last time I 'll ever look on you willingly . ’
2 At other times , mostly when he smiled in that particular way of Tyler 's , leaning his head sideways and looking at her with incredible love in his sparkling green eyes , she found it unbelievably painful .
3 He did not want to be caught at all , and although Mildred told him where they were going and tried to soothe him , he struggled madly and looked at her with great suspicion .
4 He coughed twice before saying , ‘ Yes ? ’ then leaned forward and peered at her as if his sight were bad , then coughed a harsh , chest-tearing cough before asking further , ‘ Yes , what d' you want ? ’
5 He pronounced took like a curse , and mimed the bad men looking by jutting his head forward and glaring at her like a demented goldfish .
6 Robyn coughed violently and wiped at her by now streaming eyes .
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