Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] she [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then , as she skewered him with a look of pure detestation , he reached out suddenly and caught her by the wrists .
2 She ushered the girl inside and sent her to the bathroom .
3 They stuffed a sock into her mouth , pushed her inside and kicked her to the floor breaking her ankle and wrist .
4 He would ring her up every couple of months or so and invite her to the opera , or to dinner and no one paid any attention to this .
5 Alex attended a similar establishment for boys ten miles away and visited her at every weekend exeat .
6 She tells me the ambulance is on its way , then she fetches Ma downstairs and sits her by the Rayburn .
7 Her question was answered a few minutes later when Matthew himself came outside and saw her at the window .
8 Gradually , by walking slowly and shielding her from the wind as much as possible with my body , I cut the wings-open time to a minimum .
9 They took her home and tied her to the bed
10 She whimpers as I twist a little harder and drag her to the cloakroom , to keep out of Merchant 's way .
11 It would proceed perfectly well for a while and then suddenly lose all power , forcing Robyn to jerk and stutter along in first gear , while huge juggernauts and tractors hounded her from behind and threw her into a panic .
12 Without warning he grabbed her tennis racquet — which she 'd been swinging so nonchalantly and grasping her by the scruff of the neck , pushed her roughly over the back of a chair .
13 He turned now and led her towards the door , but there he stopped and in a quiet voice said , ‘ Now , do what I tell you .
14 I 'll call her now and thank her for the book .
15 He had absolutely no business forcing his way in here and treating her like a criminal .
16 Fred was a kind , considerate man , uncomplicated and loving in his way , but she regretted that he had never been able really to arouse her fully and take her to the height of passion .
17 Billy rowed across and followed her at a discreet distance .
18 Henry leaned across and tapped her on the chest .
19 I went across and grabbed her by the lapels .
20 So I went there and cornered her in the canteen and tried to chat her up for half an hour .
21 The BPA pay for her ticket out there and put her in a yard .
22 He felt compelled to bend forwards and kiss her on the proffered cheek .
23 He leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth .
24 He stepped forward and pulled her into the apartment .
25 Swiftly I bend forward and grab her by the waist .
26 FitzAlan took instant revenge by leaning forward and silencing her with a slow , gentle kiss .
27 ‘ It has given her a head start over everyone else and trained her in the art of being able to look after herself .
28 Monsieur Gauthier obligingly produced a bottle of Côtes du Rhône from his cellar and Melissa led Dora upstairs and installed her in a chair on the balcony .
29 Then I hugged her again and pushed her through the door because I thought that if it lasted any longer I would cry .
30 He gripped her wrist firmly and led her to a door .
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