Example sentences of "[adv] seem [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Claudine suddenly seemed to notice the flustered looks that Jenna still had , although Alain was as cool as if his heated lovemaking had never happened .
2 She loved the country life of the estate and could have been entirely happy were it not for Stephen 's habitual absences which only seemed to emphasise the constant presence of his mother .
3 This raucous noise only seemed to emphasize the ominous silence of the island and reminded me of a story I had heard from a traveller who claimed to have sailed the Western Ocean and come across islands inhabited by ghosts of dead sailors .
4 It only seems to include the experimental model drawn from the natural sciences .
5 ‘ Yes , of course I did — and I can pop down to the church and see you come out , ’ she offered impulsively , which thankfully seemed to satisfy the other girl .
6 You … well , you just seemed to catch the rough edge of it . ’
7 The to infinitive in sentences such as ( 21 ) — ( 25 ) above seems to involve the same mechanism of representation .
8 I worked in England but I always seemed to miss the good jobs abroad ; every time I started rehearsing for something special , my mother would drag me away .
9 In the movies they always seemed to make the kidnapped party drive , but Maxim thought about Dann driving his — Maxim 's — car into the first acacia while he watched the gun , which seemed to have hypnotised him .
10 But it seemed that Sister Benedicta must sin a lot because she always seemed to get the dirty jobs .
11 Davie always seemed to have the best girls , and none of them seemed to complain .
12 Nicholson did n't turn , hardly seemed to acknowledge the other voice .
13 Practically everyone gets roped into ‘ bowling ’ at one time or another but the family , and , always seem to maintain the highest profile on the alley .
14 Players of his calibre will always scare opponents because they always seem to make the right decisions . ’
15 A very odd case has come to my department — we always seem to get the odd ones — concerning the disappearance of the managing director of a shipping company .
16 We always seem to get the wrong sort of weather in
17 I always seem to get the wrong results even though I 'm working as hard as possible .
18 This morning a rat poked his nose in , but they usually seem to prefer the main hold .
19 Although supporting evolution , these discoveries did not always seem to confirm the Darwinian interpretation of how the process worked .
20 Halfway through a d-i-y job , when you reach for a screwdriver , do you always seem to find the right tip and size on the last you pick up ?
21 I did n't ever seem to get the same sort of satisfaction out of getting something to balance properly as I did out of seeing a patient recover , which was something you 'd helped them to do .
22 In preliminary studies , we have found that in primary rat glial and neuronal cells that were transfected with human bcl-2 , the anti-Bcl-2 antibody also seemed to stain the nuclear envelope and ER ( M.D.J. and J. Voyvodic , unpublished data ) .
23 The elephant not only pipped dolphin and tiger to the post to emerge as overall winner , but also seemed to attract the greatest loyalty in voters .
24 JD says that for some reason the rails also seem to amplify the high frequencies , but ca n't say why .
25 Also at Metaltronix , I was toying with the lighted logo idea , and that really seemed to suit the '50s logo image — the old ones used to light up when you hit the switch , too .
26 Science and technology all too often seemed to overtake the wildest fantasies of Utopian thinkers , plagues of infectious diseases were conquered , people flew not only into air but out into space and landed on the moon ; instant communications brought a " global village " and so on , yet all this progress of science and technology did not bring Utopia .
27 He almost seemed to regret the necessary slaughter of my people as much as I did . ’
28 Those who most confidently claim to speak for British interests sometimes seem to have the least confidence that those interests are likely to prevail .
29 In July 1937 , when the war was one year old , the Republicans briefly seemed to gain the upper hand in an offensive they launched on the Madrid front , at a village called Brunete ; but the Nationalists rallied and the Republicans were unable to chalk up even a partial victory .
30 No one else seems to have the same criticism .
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