Example sentences of "[adv] give [noun sg] and [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A solicitor may only give advice and assistance to a child in relation to civil proceedings with the prior authority of the Legal Aid Area Director ( reg 14(1) ) .
2 The clusters overlapped , and the regularity was not perfect , but enough to give shape and pattern to repeated conversations in Ajdabiya , Ajkharra , Kufra and Tazarbu over five years .
3 Flesh against flesh , just giving comfort and pleasure at first .
4 It is not at all incongruous that Wilson , who thus insisted on Eliot 's Americanness , should a few years later , in his pioneering classic Axel 's Castle ( 1931 ) , insist on Eliot 's Frenchness , thus giving substance and weight to Untermeyer 's too glib acknowledgement of ‘ the Laforgue mechanism ’ .
5 The National Executive Committee may also give advice and guidance on any special issue to be raised or in the conduct of the campaign during the by-election .
6 Symbol is part of the language of drama : " The way in which the teacher draws attention to the symbol ( gesture , word , object etc. ) generates a collective meaning and also gives time and opportunity for the participant to endow that symbol with his or her individual meaning . "
7 First Class also gives guidance and practice in various kinds of writing , including letters of confirmation , apology , and application .
8 Over the past year the role of OPAS has been considerably expanded and , instead of as before only being able to assist on occupational pensions , OPAS can now give help and advice on all matters to do with any type of pension scheme — except State schemes .
9 The 1 in 60 rule will then give time and distance from the NDB .
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