Example sentences of "[adv] come [prep] the [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But she only came on the scene recently ; there were others .
2 One only come in the restaurant once but I 'm sure he 's the boss .
3 There are some people who obviously come at the weekend more to see whatever it is we 're showing .
4 Diana rarely came to the house more than twice a year .
5 The cream eventually came to the surface yesterday in the Four Nations under-16 and under-18 men 's youth tournament at Aberdeen when England produced their best form to crush Ireland 4–0 in both matches and win the sections .
6 The assurance eventually came from the ARC literally minutes before the final deadline set by the Task Force for their abandonment of the project , and their promise to publicly disclose their reasons .
7 Which soon comes off the shoulder anyway .
8 But , she was telling the story of a man who was travelling over the moor and it was many years ago on horseback and er he was completely lost and wan , it was getting dark and he wanted to stay somewhere for the night and he sort of travelled and could n't see anywhere and eventually down a long drive he saw a house wi , blazing with lights so he went down this house and er , all the windows were alight , you know were lit up and he knocked at the door and knocked at the door , and knocked at the door and could n't get any answer , no one ever came to the door so in desperation he thought well this is no good !
9 To return to the second point about church growth made at the end of the second chapter , ‘ demand ’ is not the only factor in church growth ; one must also consider supply , and the Free Church was gradually coming into the position where it could service the new demand .
10 But that stretch of beach itself still tends to lose material further to the east , because the winds are still coming from the southwest predominantly , still driving the , the beach material along .
11 The hon. Gentleman always comes to the House badly briefed .
12 The group went round the course for month after month but wisely came to the conclusion yet again that they did not intend to alter the basis of the health service .
13 He also came under the influence there of Henry Cole , Richard Redgrave , and Owen Jones [ qq.v. ] , whose Grammar of Ornament of 1856 included Dresser 's first published illustration .
14 All that means is that the original form was present in the rest of the Rift Valley during this period , never went extinct , and has now come into the lake again and has either made extinct , or in some other way swamped out the local form .
15 I am so pleased to think that his kind of socialism ‘ without the state ’ is now coming to the fore again in Labour politics .
16 On this basis the rural development projects which became fashionable among most donors in the 1970s , and which were supposed to have a direct impact on the rural poor , are only now coming to the stage where a meaningful evaluation can be conducted .
17 In answering these questions , local politics inevitably come to the fore again , not only because different responses have different costs and benefits for different groups of people in different places , but also because alternative policies can actually be tried out at the local level .
18 Two boys now come to the nursery voluntarily at lunchtimes , and one sixth-former who wants to be a doctor decided , after two months here , to specialise in paediatrics .
19 Still detached from the actual sensations , she described how he had gone under the water and then come to the surface again several times before finally drowning .
20 Either that or they go through to Salzburg and then come off the motorway there .
21 If you 've never come across the publication before , it is an essential purchase for any would-be freelance photographer and the well established alike .
22 He chased the customer down the road and told him never to come in the shop again — that was the way Ron was !
23 It did n't matter about Timothy Gedge , she said , as long as he never came to the bungalow again .
24 I could never come to the situation where I would say we 're all equal .
25 A famous recording artist with the group Fleetwood Mac was really frightened by one of the duo and he swears that he will never come into the building again such was his experience .
26 I can not tell you why , but please do what I ask you , and never come near the moor again .
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