Example sentences of "[adv] more [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The firm is perhaps more strongly committed to growth than Spencer Stuart , recently taking on more new consultants and expanding into the stylish Devonshire House development opposite the Ritz Hotel in Mayfair place .
2 Unlike more organised writers he might perhaps more easily fall into contradiction , but it seems more likely , or at least more satisfactory , to suppose that Coleridge was fashioned greatly by his environment when writing .
3 In such circumstances , the policeman could perhaps more appropriately proceed under sections 4 or 5 of the Act .
4 At the same time , however , the child 's status as a child is perhaps more tightly defined through employment legislation , the raising of the school-leaving age ( thus depriving the child of an independent source of income as well as retaining him or her within an institutionalized system of control ) , and the growth of a market geared to particular and distinctive images of childhood and adolescence .
5 At one level , therefore , the English Reformation was undoubtedly ‘ an act of state ’ , or perhaps more accurately acts of state — a series of changes initiated by monarchs and imposed by them upon their subjects .
6 Today , it seems , domestic development is much more effectively promoted by integration in a world economy : accepting foreign capital into the domestic economy , with production specialized for a world market ( and relying upon imports ) .
7 Taking a steady look at it , thought Nelly to herself , easing off her shoes for greater comfort , it was n't such a bad little house , and certainly very much more conveniently placed for shopping than her own cottage at Lulling Woods .
8 The same ambiguity is much more richly exploited in Estula , a robbers ' tale , again turning on the verbal confusion between Estula , the extraordinary name of a dog , and es tu la ? , " are you there ? "
9 Redford is much more richly represented in Mulliner 's book than anyone else , with Thomas Tallis ( c. 1505–1585 ) as the next and a younger man , William Blitheman ( c. 1525–1591 ) , third .
10 The extent and timing of these cements and their relationship to compaction and tectonic events , such as extension veining , is much more easily appreciated under CL than with transmitted light microscopy .
11 I do n't see the support of victims of crime as a separate service provided by a small specialist agency but as something which should be much more widely accepted like sickness or bereavement , so that people can get a more sensitive and understanding response from their employers , neighbours , doctors and so on . ’
12 Gold is much more widely distributed in nature than jade .
13 Some assessments are much more directly related to action for improving a teacher 's teaching and assisting pupils in their learning rather than for classifying them by their level of attainment .
14 The findings of the male researchers , she claims , are dogged by what she calls the problem of women ‘ whose sexuality remains more diffuse , whose perception of self is so much more tenaciously embedded in relationships with others and whose moral dilemmas hold them in a mode of judgment that is insistently contextual ’ .
15 This represents a clear overlap with the concerns of Weber , although this later aspect of the approach is much more poorly developed by Simmel .
16 Terror , counter-terror , torture , and the absolute necessity of violence ( later much more clumsily explored by Leone in A Fistful Of Dynamite ) are relentlessly portrayed , all to Ennio Morricone 's least flowery score ever .
17 The big news follows in 1994 , with the release of a 32-bit DPMI-based DOS , codenamed Chicago , which is much more tightly integrated with Windows .
18 His finding was that the capacity to experience it was much more highly developed in wives who had indulged in intercourse before marriage than in those who had remained chaste — in short there was much to be said against chastity .
19 The period of greater stability — the ‘ mid-Victorian equipoise ’ which followed has been somewhat more adequately mapped by research than the upheavals that went before ( see , for example , Bailey 1978 ; 1986a ; Brat ton 1986 ; D. Russell 1987 ; Scott 1989 ) .
20 Also , any genetic component of DU disease should be more prominent and thus more readily detected in H pylori negative patients with DU who have developed the disorder in the absence of this important acquired factor .
21 PIROS is essentially a simplified version of PARIS II designed to be much more general and thus more readily suited for use over a variety of locations .
22 Some things are more genuine than others , or rather more firmly rooted in evidence .
23 Vamplew suggests shareholding was rather more democratically distributed in Scotland with skilled manual workers making up 19.1 per cent of shareholders in twenty-three clubs up to 1916 .
24 I was a little disappointed with the film ; I would like to have seen it erm more analytical , a little more hard hitting in terms of looking at what a local radio station does .
25 At the same time qualities of loyalty , caring and unashamed affection are highlighted as lives become ever more intimately linked by bereavement .
26 THE strings of sport and politics are becoming ever more closely entwined at Olympique Marseille following the appointment of club president Bernard Tapie as minister for urban affairs in a French cabinet reshuffle .
27 At Westminster he would have to press ever more insistently demands for improvements in local hospitals and schools , housing and roads .
28 Despite the stateliness of their domestic setting , Wordsworth and his sister were hardly more financially secure at Racedown than the household at Lime Street , and owed the possibility of living there to the brothers John and Azariah Pinney .
29 As the figures on page 59 show , bank accounts are still more commonly held by people in higher socio-economic groups than those in lower ones .
30 Individuals usually more widely scattered over shore than Golden Plovers , and less given to manoeuvres in close flocks .
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