Example sentences of "[adv] well for [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have not felt so well for a long time , ’ he told the ever-comforting Jones , ‘ and shall be tempted to be very vulgar in my speech . ’
2 ‘ I have not felt so well for a long time and I shall be tempted to be very vulgar in my speech . ’
3 It is an insult to the many managers and workers who responded so well for the hon. Gentleman to imply that they were less than efficient and hard working in those difficult circumstances .
4 Erm tell me about Caldmore Green itself now , erm the shops here seem to cater so well for the Asian community , er is this really so , I mean do you have everything
5 He wrote : ‘ It is just as well for the future historian to know how the Club , which in time may become famous , was really started ’ .
6 ‘ If he is n't , he can swear pretty well for a dead person , ’ said Sacco , sagging to the floor .
7 Things did n't bode too well for the four-set clause in my contract .
8 He came in with the ideas , give the drivers and conductors everything they asked for whereby my training had always been to only give them what they were really entitled to , not give them anything extra but he gave them the earth and that erm did n't sort of go very well for the new Manager who came in , he had a lot of undoing to do there , that this fella had given away , in his six or seven weeks there .
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