Example sentences of "[adv] see as a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , the MSc in Education is not only seen as a regular part of the national system of educational in-service education in Scotland , but it has a strong international appeal .
2 He is probably also right when he says that he is only seen as a Spanish artist because his interest lies in Spanish art , instead of in French art ‘ like everyone else' : in other words , within the accepted categories there is no room for a Mexican who is interested in Spanish art . '
3 It can be better seen as a necessary precondition for the continuing existence , not of an individual , as is the case with hunger , but of the species .
4 Edward Bwanali , a veteran Minister hitherto seen as a possible successor to Banda , was dismissed from the Cabinet in the April reshuffle [ see p. 37558 ] , and in May was dismissed as MCP chairman for the populous southern region .
5 Miltiadis Evert , hitherto seen as a possible successor to Prime Minister Konstaninos Mitsotakis , was dismissed on Oct. 26 as Minister to the Prime Minister , a key post involving responsibility for intelligence and relations with the international media .
6 Jorge Risquet Valdés-Saldaña , a seasoned diplomat hitherto seen as a rising star in the party , was removed from the seven-strong PCC secretariat as part of the changes but retained his seat on the politburo which advised the secretariat .
7 One of the earliest military initiatives of the new state — the raising of an expeditionary force to suppress the Irish rebellion — was partly motivated both by security considerations and by the prospect of financial gain , but was also widely seen as a religious crusade ; this fact was clearly demonstrated in the autumn of 1649 , when Cromwell 's soldiers attacked the Catholic inhabitants of Drogheda and Wexford with a savagery which only religious conflict can engender .
8 Syria 's anti-Iraqi stance in the Gulf crisis [ see pp. 37694 ; 37636-37 ] was widely seen as a major factor influencing the UK decision to resume relations .
9 Although Sacheverell was found guilty , the decision by the House of Lords on 21 March to impose the mild sentence of three years ' suspension from preaching was widely seen as a moral victory for the doctor over the Whigs , and the news was greeted with ( often violent ) celebrations throughout the country .
10 His achievement of only 7 per cent of the vote was widely seen as a decisive rejection of his racially oriented campaign .
11 The imminent release of the " Birmingham Six " was widely seen as a foregone conclusion after Sir Allan Green , the Director of Public Prosecutions , said at a preliminary hearing of the appeal on Feb. 7 that the Crown no longer sought to uphold the convictions on the basis of the scientific evidence .
12 In what was widely seen as a veiled attack on the French government , the Moroccan authorities blamed the disturbances on " a conspiracy of foreign countries " .
13 The act was widely seen as a direct challenge to local representational democracy , and revealed much about the capacity of labourism to respond to perceived threats to its authority .
14 Labour 's share of the vote fell from 35.9 per cent in 1987 to 30.5 per cent , a result widely seen as a popular rejection of the government 's positive policies toward the European Communities ( EC ) .
15 Canova 's work , like that of Bates , was the product of a patriarchal system in which woman was rarely seen as a professional participant .
16 An additional comment , raised during the plenary session , was that those from ethnic communities were rarely seen as a positive resource able to offer a new expertise , but that , rather , they were regarded as being doubly disadvantaged in that they were often seen as not being fluent users of English and not being part of the British culture .
17 A collection so rarely seen as a compact whole , provided many with an eye opener as to the quality and range of the work housed in the University corridors and offices .
18 Parliament is thus best seen as a cyclical phenomenon — it is born , lives , dies and is then reborn … .
19 Water is therefore no longer seen as a simple collection of individual water molecules , but as a complex random network of molecules linked together by hydrogen bonds and forming extensive three-dimensional structures which are continually changing and reorganizing .
20 New secretary Paul Birks of Mason 's Ironstone , who has taken over from Peter Masheter , said : ‘ Golf is no longer seen as a rich man 's sport and is accessible to all ages and pockets .
21 There is one curious feature of sociology that is worth mentioning , namely that methods these days are largely seen as a distinctive branch of the discipline .
22 Nabiyev had led the republic 's Communist Party under Brezhnev , and was generally seen as a hard-line conservative .
23 His turn to diffusionism , however , was generally seen as a misguided shift towards a method of interpretation that relied too heavily on conjecture .
24 Although President Carlos Saúl Menem tried to minimize the scale of the defeat , it was generally seen as a severe reverse both for his government and for menemismo , a flamboyant style of administration now associated with scandal and corruption [ see pp. 37959 ; 38144 ; 38674 ; 38719 ] .
25 In what is normally seen as a male-dominated play , it is also worth noting that Hands and Barton give the women unusual prominence .
26 Why is the feral mink regarded as a pest , when in its native America it is not normally seen as a significant problem ?
27 Britain 's leadership of the sterling area is thus seen as a crucial link in this scheme of things .
28 The evidence she is said recently to have conveyed to ANC intelligence officers against Mrs Mandela throws darker shadows over what was already seen as a murky trial .
29 Doug Williams , a manager in the bank 's insurance group , says the operation has been profitable for the past two years and is already seen as a significant part of Chase 's retail service .
30 It was just seen as a normal part of the job then really .
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