Example sentences of "[adv] see the [noun] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In practice , however , the Church lost little — the suppression of the ‘ alien priories ’ by Henry V merely saw the conversion of resources to other ecclesiastical establishments , and the disappearance of a small number of decayed religious houses in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries was caused by the transfer of their endowments to other houses or to colleges at universities ( 218 , ii , 163–5 , iii , 157–8 ) .
2 We have already seen the effects of Directives on computer software copyright , semiconductor products , data protection , safety and product liability .
3 However the Phoenix Guard never divulge their secrets and no one has ever seen the Chamber of Days and lived .
4 Kathleen had always seen the sense of things , once they were explained .
5 Jezrael could still see the lights of sunflowers strung out like mercury on rose satin .
6 Comet 1 , a course for middle managers , has also seen the number of women attending rise from 12.5 per cent in 1990 to 19.3 per cent in 1991 .
7 At Leeds youth courts — the second busiest in the country — youth justice workers have also seen the number of appearances double since the introduction of the Criminal Justice Act .
8 The next five years will also see the implementation of tests for seven , 11 and 14 year olds ; a shift towards ‘ on the job ’ teacher training ; and the transformation of some grant-maintained institutions into grammar schools .
9 The Victorian period not only established the modern popular image of public houses , but also saw the involvement of specialists and well-known architects in their design .
10 We also saw the tracks of foxes and snow leopards .
11 The 1850s also saw the establishment of schools for the physically handicapped and the ‘ mentally defective ’ .
12 Psychics can often see the auras of women more clearly , possibly because women tend to express their emotions more easily than the average man .
13 In this context , we now see the problems of systematics condensing around two major , interrelated questions , which form the two main themes running through most of the papers in this book .
14 ‘ Presumably whoever gives you the commissions must come here to see the kind of things you do ? ’
15 Today saw the culmination of months of hard training as Hugh slipped his canoe into the waters of Lough Ryan for the solo trip back to his home town .
16 Please see the calendar of events for more details .
17 The hardest problems are those where simple processes are hard to find , usually because of some complexity of the puzzle which makes it hard to see the effects of moves , or those where the basic coordinate system and hence a notation is hard to find .
18 In this respect , lawyers have a greater disadvantage compared with , say , auditors whose clients can at least see the teams of accountants around their offices .
19 Through the trees she could sometimes see the roofs of houses .
20 This period therefore saw the culmination of tendencies already visible in previous generations which made the diplomatic services of Europe more technically efficient than ever before .
21 But you never saw the king of beasts clap his forepaws nor balance a ball on his nose !
22 You go into various parts of the er south west , where their labour control and you look at the state of their buildings , and you think , my God , what on earth have the elected members been doing when you actually see the level of rates that they have set .
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