Example sentences of "[adv] take [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There are fewer rules than in the above classes and racing only takes place in winds above 11 knots .
2 Increasingly , then , when we examine social change in rural England we must not only take account of changes within agriculture but of changes on the interface between the ‘ truly rural ’ ( i.e-agricultural ) inhabitants and the ‘ adventitious ’ population of ex-urbanite newcomers who have moved into the countryside in such large numbers since the war .
3 The criteria adopted by the Court of Appeal in Newell ( 1980 ) were that courts should only take account of characteristics with which the provocation was concerned ; permanent characteristics such as race and , probably , religion may be taken into account , but transient conditions such as intoxication and exhaustion may not .
4 We may then ask whether such a tutorial , perhaps taking place between angels with no past or future , summoned into existence fur just this purpose , would be a good thing , and if so , how good ?
5 But when these rules have become accepted as a matter of convention , then a crisp distinction has necessarily taken hold between arguments about and arguments within the rules .
6 Some dissemination of the work so far has already taken place with presentations at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Education and at Oxford University Department of Educational Studies .
7 Gorbachev , addressing the 27th CPSU Congress in 1986 , was able to welcome the improvement that had already taken place in relations with ‘ socialist China ’ .
8 flexibility , which implies that the computer simulation model can be altered easily to take account of changes in circumstances or to allow modelling of a different system .
9 The moral is that the need to clearly communicate findings must always take precedence over considerations of technical adequacy .
10 He is still taking medication for injuries to his hand caused by the extreme cold blowing in through a hole in the fuselage during a ten-hour flight .
11 BRITAIN yesterday took comfort from reports of an alleged overnight breach between the West German Chancellor , Dr Helmut Kohl , and the French on the need to set a date for a Community monetary union conference .
12 BRITAIN yesterday took comfort from reports of an alleged overnight breach between the West German Chancellor , Dr Helmut Kohl , and the French on the need to set a date for a Community monetary union conference .
13 The differentiation of the parties ' approaches also takes account of variations in government/opposition roles , the influence of key personalities , the interpretation of socialist ideology , attitudes towards national sovereignty and supranationalism , the influence of geographic considerations , and distinctive historical legacies peculiar to particular societies .
14 Finally , we can probably take advantage of variations in brain organization to understand the relationships between structure and function .
15 I also took part in conferences of Burma missionaries in Lahore , Lucknow and Mussourie , in which we began to think about the revival of our considerable educational work .
16 The government also took advantage of successes by the South African cricket team in the cricket world cup in Australia to argue that without reform , South Africa would once again have to withdraw from the international sporting scene .
17 Interviews also took place with parents in 10 of the 25 cases selected for follow-up.The study looked at cases during the first six months after the initial case conference .
18 The CNIAG later took part in discussions with the Raybestos workers and continued to share information with the workers by producing a series of leaflets on the hazards of asbestos and on the need for workers to organize autonomously from the trade union in order to defend their health and safety .
19 Ama Phurbu had also taken part in prayers on the Barkor pilgrimage path in 1989 in central Lhasa in memory of demonstrators killed by police .
20 Customs and Excise Commissioners are now taking advice from lawyers before deciding whether Mr Beatson should be prosecuted .
21 Taken together , people 's answers to these three questions indicate that they judge HP to be the most costly common form of credit , and that they judge credit cards , store accounts and check trading to be relatively cheap — with the important qualification that ( presumably taking quality of goods into account ) mail order and check trading , though not expensive , are often thought likely to give poor value for money .
22 If you are a stand-alone system then take advantage of programs like Suitcase and Font/DA Juggler but do take the time to read the manuals otherwise you can end up with a worse problem than you started with .
23 He said it was envisaged that this would either take place through increases in manpower approved by the Home Office or through ‘ civilianisation ’ of police posts to release officers to other duties .
24 Erm but yes , lots of people from the flats , either taking part in terms of sitting on the committee and doing all the planning and getting all the various permissions that you needed to do all sorts of things .
25 The Orcs briefly take possession of parts of the Hold and Gorfang captures many kinsfolk of Lord Kazador .
26 These , for the most part , are theories about international relations ( hence the small letters ) , although we may occasionally take note of theories about the conduct of the discipline itself ( i.e. theories of International Relations ) .
27 Er in the context of bulk transfers would you like to comment on the Good Committees conclusions on the bulk transfers of members between schemes and how they operate , and do you think that er there is widespread abuse or do you think er on balance your experience has been that where bulk transfers have taken place , they have taken place responsibly , but I would in that context ask you to comment whether there has been an unreasonable time delay where you have experienced bank bulk transfers between the transfer actually taking place in terms of employees being transferred from an undertaking to another undertaking and the actual transfer of their pension funds .
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