Example sentences of "[adv] there be [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For patients with isolated systolic hypertension perhaps there is only a place for dietary therapy , as although this form of hypertension is associated with increased mortality and morbidity ( Kannel et al , 1980 ) , evidence is lacking that drug therapy is beneficial .
2 Apparently there was always a flood of people flowing through the farmhouse : friends , friends of friends , friends of friends of friends .
3 In all the packed lunches she put together there was invariably an item included that only someone who had known her long ago , before the war , would have troubled to include .
4 Obviously there is also the money element , and by returning to work you can perhaps give your child other benefits you might not otherwise be able to afford such as foreign holidays or maybe a private education .
5 erm Yes , I mean it seems very difficult to keep in touch with exactly what is happening because of the communication blackout , but erm from what we 're hearing erm obviously there is still a lot more mileage in this conflict it seems to me .
6 He says obviously there 's now a question mark over his future .
7 Furthermore there was still the problem " What exactly is
8 Mm , we did have to , oddly enough there was always a tradition when I started er of working on Tuesdays erm an extra quarter of an hour because that was Committee Day
9 By eight o'clock there was still no sign of Silvia .
10 Inside there is also a China Pavilion by Pisani with stucco by Frisoni .
11 You 've got the psychoanalytical approaches which came out of Vienna , you 've got behaviourism at the 1920 's and then you 've got the emergence of cognitive in the fifties and sixties , so there 's already a sort of historical structure there .
12 So there 's obviously a tradition of people of the quarry men and the quarry owners talking to each other .
13 Dependent in the sense of looking after them but she is independent so therefore she may own her own home so there 's obviously the opportunity what happens .
14 So there 's still a chance that he 'll become the Conservatives ' first black MP .
15 So there 's absolutely no benefit in trying to over insure
16 Now we 've not done aggression , so there 's absolutely no way that you 're expected to know anything about it , but that 's a typical question that you might get on a social psychology paper .
17 So there 's absolutely no need to feel you 've got to invite me out with you ! ’
18 So there 's often a contradiction as to whether programmes are addressed to their actual or potential audiences or to a hypothetical audience , which in current affairs and news broadcasts is usually assumed to be a male viewer .
19 This is n't true , the logging practices were atrocious , and even tribal burial grounds have been uprooted by the loggers , and the number of deaths last year , in 1989 , logging deaths was 94 , because they 're sending loggers up even steep slopes to get the timber than they would normally , so there 's actually a lot of bad practice going on , so we 're hoping to fund Friends of the Earth , Malaysia in their environmental programme to help the indigenous people defend themselves , and therefore the forest better .
20 Mhm , so there 's quite a bit of joking goes on between sections about this and .
21 And then on that site as well , there 's a print group and a woodwork group , so there 's quite a range , a diversity of opportunities for people , that 's what we try to provide . .
22 People who you think It 's all melting , there 'll be more wet about but there could well be more deserts and So there 's quite a lot going on there .
23 One six zero zero four are not even anything you want to rest on , fundamental problems are each treatment , the processes , and erm distortion of thin rings , which as them er , er , er , an issue when it goes to face grinding , in as much as because of the distortion you get all those lever locks stuck on , and you got to do about twenty passes on t' face grinder rather than two , and that means that we 've got an equipment out of balance in the factory , because er , it 's got , you know , so there 's quite a lot of investment
24 So , it 's the range of of knowledge is quite wide , you know , from , from extricating a cat and how to do that er to , to a large modern hotel building , how to protect it from fire , so , so there 's quite a lot to learn yep .
25 No it is n't erm and erm even those who in , in my experience who did get through there was just an occasional er time when they did n't pass that part of it , they , they , they , they could n't quite manage that , the height side frightened them and er they failed , erm so there 's quite a lot of demands on them and I 'm sure that a lot of women could do it and a lot of women if they had the chance would do it or would , if they were willing to do it , but it 's not something that grabs most women , I do n't think it does , I think it 's the physical side that puts them off , and that is what is the problem with the Fire Service , it is a physical job .
26 mm so there 's quite a lot of people there then was there ?
27 So there 's quite a lot of things to think of and the
28 Mm , so there 's quite a lot of supporting material
29 So there 's quite a lot .
30 er this rate is fixed and can only be changed by agreement with Brussels er and as we 've seen in the last few years , our normal currency exchange rate has fluctuated quite a lot er and in fact has er become fairly weak , but the green pound has stayed the same so there 's quite a difference between our exchange rate and the green rate .
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