Example sentences of "[adv] we go [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 We neither of us knew how to deal with this , and so we went across to the Underground Station .
2 So we went back to the basics to see whether we could ask the Government to abolish the ‘ cohab rule ’ altogether .
3 So we go back to the house .
4 Together we went back to the lodgings , she packing her belongings , both of us braving the landlady .
5 Soon we went in to the adjacent Marie Antoinette Room for luncheon .
6 Also we went down to the H.Q. at Pages Park where we saw some men putting up photographs of the line in the past .
7 Now we go on to the second one .
8 Then we went upstairs to the make-up room and Mr Wogan came to say a quick hello , which is his custom , I believe .
9 And then we went back to the prayer after the collection did n't we ?
10 me , my mate and paul had a terrible night out after the spurs game : first we were supposed to meet two fellow norw. at a pub ( the black lion ? ) and they never showed up — then we went downtown to the marquee which was empty ( 8 quid out of the window ) and a not the place to go at a saturday nite ( no live music , just house — which i quite like — but there has to be some people around ) — then standing in queue at ‘ the borderline ’ for a couple of hours not getting in … and it was bloody cold ( hi paul ) — the wind just froze my balls of ( well nearly ) … the meet-up was cozy though — no problems finding the guys ( or rather : just look for mr cantona ) and time for a couple of pints before and after the game and no problem wearing a leeds outfit at the pub … i was not sporting my leeds away scarf when among the newcastle crowd though ; - )
11 And we used to er do a food run down and they used to come up and erm And then we went along to a to a lodge meeting th the men invited us along and I remember one of the comments back in September from one of the men was , Oh well I 'm gon na be nagged back to work soon .
12 And then we go back to the point which Mr Cunnane wanted to raise and they 've had their lunchtime discussions , see whether you 've come to a some form of agreement or resolution on that .
13 then we go back to the office then for an hour and people of course will come in then and say why are you booking me but
14 But what I 'm gon na suggest is that again we go back to the client , and say basically , this is what we think we can provide is that good enough ?
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