Example sentences of "[adv] as they are [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The master is liable for wrongful acts and defaults of his servant — though they may be unauthorized or even forbidden by him — so long as they are done within the scope of the employment .
2 So long as they are stimulated by low-frequency nervous impulses , such muscles can respond directly to stretching .
3 The hon. Gentleman will have read and re-read circular 7/91 which contains the exceptions policy , allowing homes to be provided on sites not normally designated as residential so long as they are aimed at local people .
4 The House of Lords held that parental rights are recognised in law only for so long as they are needed for the protection of the child .
5 Arts subjects are concerned with the culture and history of humanity , especially as they are expressed in language .
6 If there are material inducements offered to place the company first they are bound to affect motivation especially as they are backed by sanctions against those who do not display cooperative attitudes .
7 He gave detailed instructions for the procedure to be followed if no suitable dissertations were submitted , concluding : ‘ But if no such dissertations , worthy , in the opinion of the said Examiners , of any such reward as aforesaid should be offered for seven years , then a Medal , to be purchased with the said accumulations , shall be offered for the best dissertation on any Veterinary subject thought worthy by the said Examiners of such reward , but at all times the Foot of the Horse is to be the subject preferred , and next to that the nature , causes and treatment of Glanders , and the diseases of the Eye in horses : And if there should be no successful dissertation at the end of seven years , then the amount of the said accumulations shall be disposed of by the said Governors in such manner as they in their discretion may think proper , so as they are applied for the promotion of Veterinary Science ’ .
8 Research seems to indicate that pupils are evaluated on their mastery of this ‘ hidden curriculum ’ just as they are evaluated on their mastery of the formal syllabus .
9 Discussions are understood to be under way with several companies which have expressed an interest in setting up alongside the plant to supply components to Motorola , which operates on a just-in-time principle of bringing in materials just as they are required for the production process .
10 interpret the economic categories of work , value , and productivity exactly as they are interpreted in the existing order … [ but ] … the critical acceptance of the categories which rule social life contains simultaneously their condemnation .
11 All dates will be confirmed as soon as they are finalised by the Regional Committees .
12 The fact that many works in this category may be produced directly on a computer before any other tangible form exists presents no serious problems because these works will exist , in terms of copyright protection , the instant they are recorded ; that is , as soon as they are stored on a computer disk or printed out on paper .
13 Eggs begin to develop as soon as they are warmed to , and maintained at , the correct temperature , so each egg laid by the mallee fowl starts developing as soon as the female deposits it in the incubator .
14 Owls , like most birds of prey , start incubating their eggs as soon as they are laid with the result that the chicks hatch at different times .
15 He said : ‘ The babies are sold on and shipped round the world as soon as they are weaned from their mothers at about a year or 18 months .
16 Printed with a new thermal chromatic invisible ink , the animals and trees actually disappear from the T-shirt when you get hot — just as quickly as they are disappearing from the wild , in fact !
17 The smaller nations get short shrift on somewhat different grounds : in so far as they are affected by general trends , their history recapitulates that of the major states .
18 The Evangelical party will perhaps continue to exalt their hero as partially as parties always do — but the members of it will act thus only so far as they are possessed by party spirit , rather than by the pure spirit of the doctrines which they hold in common with their so-called Catholic opponents , whom adversaries style popish .
19 Secondly , it is arguable that most other theories , e.g. those based on semantic components , can be subsumed within it , in so far as they are built on consistent and logical lines .
20 In so far as they are based upon analogy with the position of courts of law which are not under any such general duty , this reasoning is being undermined as the judiciary increasingly require some statement of reasons within judgments .
21 The better opinion is that the pre-1926 priorities of the legal over the equitable estate , and of the earlier in time over the later , still apply , except in so far as they are abrogated by the provisions of the 1925 legislation .
22 This Fact Sheet will be followed by a series of Briefing Papers for MPs , which will go beyond the facts to a description of the types of arguments that have been employed by researchers to study the causes of unemployment , including the possible effects so far as they are known of various remedies that have been proposed .
23 This can be seen in the example of river action : in climates with rain at all seasons erosion and deposition are almost continuous except in so far as they are varied by floods ; in areas marginal to ice sheets the short periods of summer thaw , which result in enormous increases in the discharge of meltwater streams issuing from the ice , are the significant ones ; in deserts it may well be that the isolated rainfall , occurring perhaps once every five or ten years , is of greater significance than anything else .
24 Nevertheless , our results should be interpreted cautiously as they are based on only three monitored fathers and it is not possible to assess reliably how many of the three leukaemias , if any , were caused by paternal preconceptual exposure to some occupational factor .
25 In this garden annuals and bedding are used particularly well as they are dotted around perennials and shrubs , rather than grown together in a bedding scheme .
26 Heywood was unsure whether SSDs would be able to make use of it fully as they are overwhelmed with the amount of present legislation and have ‘ homophobic views ’ to overcome .
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