Example sentences of "[adv] by [art] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Because these histories did n't have any singularities or any beginning or end , what happened in them would be determined entirely by the laws of physics .
2 Still , there was a good deal of stealthy coming and going within the building — this being ignored apparently by the men on duty in the guardchamber .
3 A grim catalogue of up to 80 defects in 23 homes has been put together by the residents in Chessel Close at Bradley Stoke , near Bristol .
4 Quite the opposite , it was an association of two men wholly different in character and outlook , brought together by the circumstances of Anselm 's exile .
5 Judged by the highest standards there may have some stiffness in the rhythm , some slack articulation of the words and some raucous tone from certain voices , yet , urged on by the dynamic playing of the Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra , and especially by the cohorts of percussion , the singing was exhilarating .
6 Satan , however , will not recognise his defeat until forced to do so by the servants of Christ .
7 The silence of the wild places should be disturbed only by the sounds of nature .
8 One day , if only by the laws of probability , the rumours will be proved right .
9 The rhythms of our daily speech and writing are haunted not only by the rhythms of nursery rhymes , but also by the rhythms of Shakespeare , Blake , Edward Lear , Lewis Carroll , the Authorised Version of the Bible .
10 The scale of these stations was dictated not only by the numbers of passengers they had to handle and the imperial power they had to represent , but by the complexity of the Indian railway operation , and the range of facilities that had to be made available to the hierarchic and heterogeneous nature of the passenger traffic .
11 Miles flew by in the barren landscape , punctuated only by the carcasses of kangaroos on the line .
12 For some years they stood largely empty , occupied only by the ghosts of yesteryear , prey to vandals , fire and decay .
13 The alternative and , in the last resort , not so very different view is that which sees the Hundred Years War as a wider civil war in which a policy of royal centralisation , based on Paris , was opposed not only by the dukes of Aquitaine and Normandy ( in both cases king of England ) , but by those of Brittany , and ( late in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries ) , Burgundy .
14 To the romantic Jesus expresses his hunger and desire to live only by the words of God .
15 Coleridge thought The Borderers ‘ absolutely wonderful ’ , and surrounded only by the distractions of friendship and a lovely , unfamiliar countryside , found time at Racedown to make progress with his own play , Wordsworth providing the necessary encouragement as well as some ‘ strict & almost severe ’ criticism .
16 Their rivalries were not washed away by the flows of commerce and finance .
17 The corpse of a zebra , under the camera 's necessarily impassive gaze ( some viewers are queasier ) , is reduced almost to a skeleton as skin and then flesh are progressively stripped away by the processes of nature .
18 Trees of a pendulous habit are for streams and riversides where their fallen leaves can be whisked away by the rains of autumn and winter .
19 He had almost forgotten his previous dislike of Dickens , carried away by the opportunities for rhetoric that the Great Man was so unexpectedly granting him .
20 First of all we SUFFERED that defeat last Saturday next I knacker my ankle playing on Sunday and lastly I arrive in Northampton on Monday morning to find that we could only get tickets for Arsenal end on Tuesday ( So Gavin it was n't me being escorted away by the men in black , even though it the current season does n't improve quickly I might be escorted by mem in white . )
21 Before you are carried away by the possibilities of information manipulation for its own sake it is worth taking a step back and examining how much more than the pen , paper and adding machine you really need .
22 The media education movement in South East Asia , WACC 's most active media education programme , is sustained largely by the efforts of women .
23 So , without a Great Detective , or even a lesser detective of the fictional breed , you will find that the clearing up of the mystery , which still must be presented with an air of progress , will be carried out not largely by the processes of ratiocination ( that word invented by Edgar Allan Poe ) but by the duller process of the accumulation of facts , as in real life .
24 The dismal nature of English teaching for O and A level in the past can perhaps be accounted for largely by the numbers of pupils entered for the examinations who were not in fact suited to study literature ( though they might have benefited from an advanced study of their own language ) .
25 The government 's economic policy was determined largely by the demands of Portugal 's membership since 1986 of the European Communities ( EC ) .
26 But both men and women in modernity have been too influenced by the romanticism of popular literature and supremely by the dreams of Hollywood .
27 If change comes ( and if it does , it will be mild ) it will be driven more by the problems with Tokyo than by the aspirations of Osaka .
28 For Geoffroy , a change in the environment might trigger off a new pattern of growth in the organism — but the result was determined more by the laws of growth than by the adaptive needs of the organism .
29 ( In fact , Petrey suggests that this error has been committed more by the readers of Derrida and de Man than by the original authors . )
30 Table II shows this further by the changes in juice concentrations that occurred in the two subgroups according to whether the final plasma vitamin C concentration was high or low .
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